Boundary Reviews

The UGDSB reviews its schools’ accommodation capacities on a regular basis. A Boundary Review is conducted when the school board is proposing the relocation (in any school year or over a number of school years) of students or grades, in which the number of students or enrolment of the grades is less than 50% of the school’s enrolment, or when an entire program is not being proposed for relocation.

The start of a School Boundary Review process is recommended to and approved by the Board of Trustees.

A school’s boundary review is an administrative process involving a committee of school board staff responsible for proposing solutions to identified accommodation issues. The committee works collaboratively and in consultation with the public and appropriate stakeholders. Final recommendations are presented to the Board of Trustees as described in Policy 320 (noted above).

The Upper Grand District School Board is committed to a transparent process. The board will ensure that communities affected have a clear understanding of the proceedings and the level of consultation.

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