Special Education Advisory Committee

What is the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)?

The Upper Grand District School Board has established a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) in accordance with the Education Act.

SEAC is made up of local representatives of Provincial Associations, two school trustees and interested local community representatives.

SEAC members receive orientation and training to become informed on important topics in Special Education:

  • Sections of the Education Act relating to Special Education

  • Regulations and Ministry memoranda

  • Board policies regarding Special Education

  • The Board Special Education Report

  • Roles and responsibilities of SEAC

  • The funding of Special Education

New members

Are you a member of a provincial association that supports or advocates for children with exceptionalities? Is your association represented at the UGDSB Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) table? Please consider membership on the Upper Grand’s Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC).

SEAC members:

  • include trustees, staff, local representatives of Provincial Associations and interested community representatives

  • make recommendations for the establishment, development and delivery of Special Education programs and services for exceptional pupils in our Board

  • participate in the annual review of the Board’s Special Education Plan and budget process as it relates to Special Education

 If your organization is interested in membership on SEAC, contact Superintendent Wendy Donaldson at 519-941-6191 ext. 254.

What is expected of SEAC Members?

  • To represent and express the perspective and concerns of parents and children with exceptionalities.

  • To provide information to and from their represented associations and local families with exceptional children.

What does SEAC do?

  • Makes recommendations for the establishment, development and delivery of Special Education programs and services for exceptional pupils in our Board.

  • Participates in the Board’s annual review of its Special Education Report.

  • Participates in the Board’s annual budget process and financial statement review as they relate to Special Education.

  • Provides information to parents, as requested.

SEAC Guiding Principles

To advocate to the School Board, the community and each other for the provision of opportunities to maximize individual potential for all special needs students by:

  • engaging in ‘self-education’ about each and every exceptionality;

  • providing information and recommendations to the School Board and the Ministry of Education; and as individual members being willing to act as a resource to students, parents, schools and Board committees;

  • evaluating and making recommendations on the availability, appropriateness and effectiveness of student programs and services for exceptional students;

  • being respectful of the needs of others.

Special Education Plan

School Boards are required by the Ministry of Education to maintain a Special Education Plan, to review it annually, to amend it from time to time to meet the current needs of its exceptional students and to submit any amendments to the Minister of Education for review.

The School Board’s Special Education Plan is to inform the Ministry of Education and the public about special education programs and services that are provided by the board in accordance with legislation and ministry policy on special education.

View the Special Education Plan for 2023-24

When are SEAC Meetings held?

Meetings are open to the public. Monthly meetings are typically held on the second Wednesday of each month throughout the school year.  Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Upper Grand District School Board office in Guelph. View meeting dates and minutes. For further information please call the Program Department at (519) 941-6191 ext. 254.

SEAC Meeting Minutes and Agendas

What Exceptionalities are Included:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Blind and Low Vision

  • Communication Disorders

  • Developmental Disability

  • Emotional/Behaviour Disorders

  • Gifted

  • Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Multiple Disability

  • Physical Disabilities

What else should I know?

SEAC members must be qualified to vote for members of the School Board and must be a resident of Wellington/Dufferin County.  To be qualified to vote for School Board members, a person must be:

  • a Canadian Citizen

  • at least 18 years old

  • a public school elector

Representative Provincial Associations