Leadership Development in the UGDSB

Educational leaders play an essential role in improving student achievement and student character. The development of exemplary leadership skills is fundamental for all stakeholders. The UGDSB is committed to providing professional learning opportunities to promote and develop effective leadership throughout our system. 

The intent of the board School Leadership Development in UGDSB is to provide a road map and reference of available supports and system opportunities for aspiring leaders. Here is an additional resource to help guide you through your leadership pathway.

For teachers and administrators external to the Board who are interested in joining Upper Grand District School Board, we have developed the External Hiring Process Handbook in order to guide you through the process.

The Ministry is committed to supporting system level leadership and have multiple resources to support leaders at all stages in their educational career. Visit the Ministry’s site to learn more.

Visit the Institute for Education Leadership which is a Ministry of Education sponsored resource, both sites provide a wealth of opportunities and resources to support educational leadership with excellent examples from across the province.

LEADership Training Continuum

(UGDSB Teaching Staff Only) To track your progress through the LEADership  Continuum, and to receive updates on LEADership Development opportunities within the Board,  CLICK here.

Leadership Pathways: “Why Not You?”

Click on the link below to hear three very different paths taken by current and previous system leaders in the UGDSB.    There are so many ways to become a leader in our system as well as a need for us to ensure that we have a diverse leadership team guiding the work we do.  After watching the following video ask yourself: “Why Not Me”?

Leadership Development Video

In addition to our Leadership Development Handbook, the below video provides a summary of the leadership opportunities that are available for educators in our board. Each section of the video will give you a summary of the event and describe the intended audience. Should you have any questions related to any of the events please do not hesitate to contact your administrator. We hope you will take advantage of some of the exciting opportunities available to you and that we may see you at an upcoming event!

Additional Information