This photo features (from left to right):  Head Coach Lachlan Mackintosh, Seth L, Muzammil A, Marc L, Dennis P, Josiah G, Zach I, Karonvir B, and Assistant Coach, Toshi Gunn.

Congratulations goes out to the Westside Valorant eSports Team on winning silver medals at the OSEA Provincial Championship. 

Seth L, Muzammil A, Marc L, Dennis P, Josiah G, Zach I, and Karonvir B fought hard in the playoffs against Osgoode Township Secondary School from Ottawa.

Despite giving it their all, Osgoode Township Secondary School came out on top as the victors, but all was not lost because this is the second year Westside’s Valorant eSports team brought home the silver for their school. 

Westside's eSport success could not have been possible without the continued support of the Upper Grand District School Board, the Specialist High Skills Major program, and Westside  coaches Lachlan Mackintosh and Toshi Gunn. 

This photo features Westside students competing in eSports competition. This photo features Westside students competing in eSports competition. This photo features Westside students competing in eSports competition.