GUELPH, Ontario – The November meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board was held on November 28, 2017. The following provides highlights from the meeting.

Annual French Review Background Report

Staff presented the Annual French Review Background Report for 2017-18. The report is part of an annual review of the board’s French Immersion (FI) program and includes the collection of student enrolment and retention data, available space in schools, available French as a Second Language staff, and any school-specific or system-wide issues or concerns with the Junior Kindergarten (JK) FI registration, selection and/or waitlist process.

Through examining the annual review data, the report outlines suggestions for possible FI programs, revisions to the JK FI registration, selection and waitlist process, and any possible revisions to JK FI enrolment caps.

To view the full report, please visit French Immersion.

Following the  presentation, trustees approved that JK FI enrolment caps be adjusted at certain schools over the next two years, in order to comply with new Ministry class size regulations. Effective September 2018, Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) class size caps will be reduced from 30 students to 29. As such, trustees approved that:

  • Effective September 2018, school level JK FI enrolment caps will be adjusted at the following schools as follows: École Guelph Lake PS – 56; École Harris Mill PS – 28; Victory PS – 28; Palmerston PS – 28.

  • Effective September 2019, school level JK FI enrolment caps will be adjusted at the following schools as follows: École Guelph Lake PS – 58; École Harris Mill PS – 29; Victory PS – 29; Palmerston PS – 29.

Despite the reductions, 36 new JK FI student spaces will be added in 2018-19.

Policy Updates

Trustees approved a number of revised board policies: Policy 311 Disposal of Board Property, Policy 307 Outdoor Play Spaces, and Policy 209 Distribution of Materials in Schools from External Organizations. Policy 110 Distribution of Religious Materials was rescinded.

Trustees also released draft Policy 317 Fees for Learning Materials and Activities for public consultation. Members of the public are welcome to review the draft documents and provide feedback at Policy.

Ministry of Education Review of PARG and CPPG

Trustees received an update about changes the Ministry of Education is considering to Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG) and Community Planning and Partnership Guidelines (CPPG).

Background: In March 2015, the Ministry issued new Pupil Accommodation Review and Community Planning and Partnership guidelines. In 2016, the UGDSB reviewed and revised board policies 305 Pupil Accommodation Review and 319 Community Planning and Facility Partnership to bring the policies into compliance with the new guidelines. Additionally, in response to concerns expressed throughout the province about the school closure review processes, the Ministry’s Plan to Strengthen Rural and Northern Education committed to overhauling the process.

The Ministry has posted information on its website outlining possible changes to both PARG and CPPG, timeframes for the review and questions posed to solicit input. More information on the Ministry of Education’s review process can be sound on the Ministry website.

Audited Financial Statements

Trustees approved the board’s 2016-17 Audited Financial Statements and the 2016-17 Audited Financial Statements of the UGDSB Trust Funds, prepared by KPMG. The financial statements are unqualified, which means they are clean. The board and the auditor thanked the Finance Department for their diligent work in financial reporting. The audited statements will be posted on the board’s website.

The next regular monthly meeting will be held by on Tues. December 19, 2017, at the Guelph Board Office, 500 Victoria Road North. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.


Media contact:
Heather Loney, Communications and Community Engagement Officer
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.725
Email Heather Loney

Megan Sicoli, Administrative Officer, Communications
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.764
Email Megan Sicoli