Policy 303 Naming of Schools and Board Facilities

Public Consultation and Policy Feedback

Public consultation on this updated policy is now closed. 

This policy has been updated with the addition of naming principles, and revised naming criteria and process used to name UGDSB schools, other board facilities, and designated areas of a school or board facility.

It is the goal of this policy update to ensure that names selected:

  • align with the board’s core values and priorities related to equity, inclusivity, and human rights

  • promote and protect Indigenous rights, and

  • reflect the communities served by the building or space.

This policy is important to students, staff, school councils, parents, and community members because a name chosen for a school, other board facility, or designated area can help to further develop an identity for the community it serves.

Public consultation on this policy is now closed.


Policy Statement

The Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) recognizes that the names of schools and other board facilities need to be distinctive and reflective of the communities they serve.  It is the policy of the UGDSB that consistent procedures are followed when naming or renaming a school or other board facility, or a designated area of a board facility, to ensure that the name selected is appropriate and has community support.

First adopted: February 2004
Revision history: April 2005, April 2014, November 2020, currently under review 
