Policy 201 School Councils and the Parent Involvement Committee

Policy Statement

It is the policy of the Upper Grand District School Board to direct the establishment of a school council at every school and establish a Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) for the board.

The purpose of a school council is, through the active participation of parents, to improve student achievement and well-being, and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents and guardians.  The school council will act in an advisory capacity to the school’s principal, make recommendations to the principal, and where appropriate, to the board.

The purpose of a PIC is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the board level to improve student achievement and well-being.  The PIC will provide information and advice on parent engagement to the board, communicate with and support the school councils of the board, and may undertake activities to help parents of students support their children’s learning at home and at school.


First adopted: February 1998
Revision history: May 2009, December 2013, February 2019