Literacy and Numeracy – two pillars of Student Success
Why we do the work? We believe that:
All students can learn, given the appropriate and necessary supports (students with special needs and English Language Learners are duly entitled to accommodations / modifications
Learning is engaging when there is a positive and inclusive environment that embraces the learning styles of each student and is attentive to their physical and emotional needs
Learning is improved through the use of proven research-based instructional and assessment practices that incorporate inquiry, problem solving, critical thinking, reflection, and metacognition
All students, individually and with others, develop abilities to think, express, and reflect
How the work looks? We take action to:
Research/develop and implement effective instructional and assessment practices which align curriculum to meet the abilities and needs of students
Provide cross-panel opportunities for teachers to refine instructional and assessment practices
Provide teachers/administrators with opportunities to address the curriculum continuum, and implement best, research-based, practices
Support preparation and remediation for the OSSLT and Grade 9 EQAO Assessment of Mathematics
Develop Literacy curriculum and support OSSLC teachers
Address the needs of LDCC and Applied levels students and teachers
How do we measure effectiveness? We measure effectiveness by:
Evaluating achievement on EQAO assessments, report card marks, and other student assessments; and by monitoring credit counts and graduation rates
Monitoring the quality of the discussions educators have when examining student achievement data
Reviewing student, teacher and parent feedback on programming and instruction