Literacy and Numeracy – two pillars of Student Success

Why we do the work? We believe that:

  • All students can learn, given the appropriate and necessary supports (students with special needs and English Language Learners are duly entitled to accommodations / modifications

  • Learning is engaging when there is a positive and inclusive environment that embraces the learning styles of each student and is attentive to their physical and emotional needs

  • Learning is improved through the use of proven research-based instructional and assessment practices that incorporate inquiry, problem solving, critical thinking, reflection, and metacognition

  • All students, individually and with others, develop abilities to think, express, and reflect

How the work looks? We take action to:

  • Research/develop and implement effective instructional and assessment practices which align curriculum to meet the abilities and needs of students

  • Provide cross-panel opportunities for teachers to refine instructional and assessment practices

  • Provide teachers/administrators with opportunities to address the curriculum continuum, and implement best, research-based, practices

  • Support preparation and remediation for the OSSLT and Grade 9 EQAO Assessment of Mathematics

  • Develop Literacy curriculum and support OSSLC teachers

  • Address the needs of LDCC and Applied levels students and teachers

How do we measure effectiveness? We measure effectiveness by:

  • Evaluating achievement on EQAO assessments, report card marks, and other student assessments; and by monitoring credit counts and graduation rates

  • Monitoring the quality of the discussions educators have when examining student achievement data

  • Reviewing student, teacher and parent feedback on programming and instruction