Community, Culture and Caring – pillars of Student Success

Why we do the work? We believe that:

  • Recognition of success fosters students’ self-confidence and resilience

  • Timely and effective supports for students at risk improve their engagement in school and result in increased personal success

  • Strong support teams include students, teachers, support staff, administrators, parents and community agencies

  • Flexible school structure/timetables and “pyramids of intervention” are important for the inclusion and engagement of students at risk

  • A positive classroom/school climate is created when individual differences of students are recognized and celebrated

  • Transition programs and caring community help students connect with their school & their future

How the work looks? We take action to:

  • Encourage the celebration of student success

  • Support school-based Student Success Teams

  • Develop and/or provide support for differentiated instruction and after school programs

  • Refine and support the UGDSB Transitions Plan

  • Support school based programs that assist and support students in order for them to achieve their OSSD

  • Encourage and support the empowerment of students

  • Provide professional development opportunities to teachers & support staff in order to enrich their abilities to meet the needs of students

How do we measure effectiveness? We measure effectiveness by:

  • Evaluating data on attendance, suspension, retention, student achievement, work habits, and student engagement in school life

  • Surveying parents and student awareness of academic supports at schools

  • Reviewing input from community partners and agencies