The Durrant Cane
Mr. Eugene Durrant was an outstanding teacher of mathematics, an author of a text-book on Upper School Geometry, ‘Analytical Geometry’ that stated “and this is our way to the moon,” little realizing that the 1960’s moon landing would occur in his lifetime.
When Mr. Davison, Principal Emeritus, retired in 1929, at the age of eighty-one, Mr. Durrant succeeded him as mathematical master, and the fact that so young a man ably filled the venerable and beloved teacher’s place is in itself the highest praise.
He then became the respected Vice-Principal of The Guelph Collegiate-Vocational Institute for several years. In business of the Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, Mr. Durrant had always taken an active and constructive part.
Mr. Durrant was sincerely interested in his students–not only in their progress in mathematics but in their life and welfare as a whole. He was also widely known and valued by the citizens of Guelph. He contributed much to the life of the community as an elder of Chalmers United Church, as a promoter of the Community Chest, and as President of the Children’s Aid Society. He was also a 50 year member of the Kiwanis Club of the Kingsway.
When Mr. Durrant was appointed High School Inspector, he left GCVI to assume his duties with the Ministry of Education in Toronto. Wishing to retain some link with GCVI, Mr. Durrant expressed to the Board of Education his desire to present a cane each year at Commencement to foster not only good scholarship but also participation in all school activities. The cane is to be presented to the boy from the graduating class of any department of the school who has the best record of participation in extra-curricular activities, good-scholarship and manliness, as decided by a committee comprised of the Principal, three members of the staff, and three students who are not members of the graduating class.
At the 1944 commencement the first cane was presented by Mr. Durrant to David Paton.

1966 Mr. Eugene Durrant presenting the Durrant Cane to Jeff Evans

2009 winner Alex Vander Vlugt with Bob Hohenadel, President of the GCVI Alumni Association