Guiding Principles

The following Guiding Principles form the basis of all decision-making to ensure student success at GCVI. They will influence how we act by serving as a filter for program, distribution of resources and other workings of the school.

We commit to a school community that:

  • Respects, values and honours our traditions and our diversity

  • Fosters departmental and inter-departmental collaboration and consultation with a whole school focus

  • Values and supports individual student and staff contributions

  • Utilizes our resources where they will be most effective

  • Reflects an open, inclusive, friendly, tolerant, compassionate, fair and mutually respectful environment

We commit to a school program that:

  • Continuously evolves in order to remain innovative and engaging

  • Values, supports and promotes a diversity of curriculum that reflects students’ ability and potential and an extra-curricular program that extends classroom learning

  • Ensures the emphasis of numeracy and literacy strategies

  • Promotes “real world” connections that extend classroom learning

  • Develops pathways that facilitate the success of all students

  • Respects students as individuals and develops graduates who have the tools to be good people, good citizens, good employees and life long learners

We further commit to developing successful students who:

  • Accept responsibility and consequences for their education, actions and choices

  • Recognize realistic future opportunities

  • Set and strive to attain realistic goals

We recognize that change is constant. We will use the Guiding Principles to plan, implement, review and refine emerging ideas by answering the questions:

  • What do we want to accomplish?

  • How do we know if we have?

  • What do we do if we have not?