New Out of Area Procedures

December 1st, 2024
Important Update: Changes to UGDSB's Out of Area and Out of District procedures
We want to inform parents and guardians about important updates to the UGDSB’s procedures for Out of Area (OOA) and Out of District (OOD) student attendance. These updates are part of the recently posted Policy 521 – Admissions and Registration, which is now available on the UGDSB website along with related procedures and forms.
Key Points to Note:
Policy 501 Rescinded: Policy 501 has been rescinded, and the forms previously associated with it are no longer in use. Please review Policy 521 and the accompanying procedures to understand the updated guidelines for registering as an Out of Area or Out of District student.
Who Does This Affect? Policy 521 applies to admissions and registrations for students in the Regular English Language Track and outlines the new processes for OOA and OOD attendance.
For students currently approved for OOA/OOD attendance (2024-2025):
To minimize disruption to families, students currently attending a school as an Out of Area or Out of District student will be allowed to stay at their current school for the remainder of grades at that school level (e.g., elementary, middle, or secondary school) without needing to reapply. This measure is designed to ensure continuity and stability for students and families during the transition to the updated procedures.
What current OOA/OOD families need to do:
Review Policy 521: Please take the time to review the policy and procedures available on the UGDSB website to understand the new guidelines and registration requirements.
Watch for Further Communication: If your child is currently an OOA or OOD student, further instructions will be provided from the school to confirm their continued enrollment under the updated procedures.
Future OOA and OOD Applications
Prior to the winter break in December each year, a list of schools designated as "open" or "closed" to Out of Area (OOA) and Out of District (OOD) registrations will be posted on the UGDSB website, as outlined in Policy 521. Schools designated as “open” accept registrations for OOA/OOD students during the month of January, up to the last Friday in January. For schools designated as "open" to OOA and OOD students, families must complete the Out of Area/Out of District Attendance Registration Form and submit it in person to the “open” school with original documents. Students who are new to the UGDSB must register online as a UGDSB student in advance of submitting the OOA/OOD form to the “open” school.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we implement these changes to improve our admissions and registration processes. For more information, visit the UGDSB website. Thank you for your attention to this important update.