Student Services/Resource Department
Hey Gaels,
If you are looking to request a Guidance Appointment with a Guidance Counsellor, Social Worker, CYC or other in-school supports during school hours, please fill out the following form and someone will reach out to you as soon as they can.
If you are struggling with your emotions and need someone to talk to (privately and confidentially) anytime day or night, you can reach out to 1-844-437-3247 (Here 24/7). You can also reach KidsHelpPhone at 1-800-668-6868 or Text CONNECT to 686868.
Special Education staff work with all GCVI students but are especially focused on students who are identified as exceptional through an IPRC or who have accommodations outlined in an Individual Education Plan. See the link to the parent’s guide below, for details.
Special Education – Support Documents for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers
If you have an IEP and you are looking to access accommodations at post secondary school (University or College):
Contact the Accessibility Services Office at the College or University you have been accepted to as soon as possible to set up a meeting with an accessibility counselor.
Use this link to get info about your school’s Accessibility Services Department:Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities
Find out what documentation is needed to access accommodations at the post-secondary institution you have been accepted to
Your IEP or other documentation (eg. Psychological Assessment) will NOT automatically transfer to a Post Secondary institution
You will need to supply all documentation to the post secondary school (we can help with this if needed). For example, you will need to send a copy of your IEP and any supporting medical psychological supporting documentation.
How To Help Your Son or Daughter See Success in High School
Know what is going on in the school
Look at the sign outside of the school
Follow us on Twitter – @GuelphCVI
Come to School Council meetings
Call and ask! 519-824-9800
Know who your teen’s teachers are – ask to see his/her schedule at the start of each semester.
Make sure your contact information is correct and on file at the school.
Come to parent teacher nights, school council or any other school events.
Know who your teen’s Vice-Principal is (A-L – L. Baumgartner and M-Z –W. Jackman)
CALL – if you have concerns, notice changes in behaviour or have questions.
Encourage your son or daughter to get involved with a club or team (we have many!)
2. Help your son or daughter choose courses that will help them see success
Consult with the Student Success Teacher (C. Anstett) and/or the Special Education Resource Teacher (J. Hocken) at GCVI
Student Services Department
Teacher | Extension | |
Mr. Jamie Hocken | 260 | |
Ms. Colleen Anstett | 336 | |