Science Olympics

What is Science Olympics?

Science Olympics is a fun, interactive way to learn about biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and math through friendly, group competition.  Junior and Senior students compete in the events they choose.  Some require advance preparation (some require study, other building something beforehand), but others contain an element of surprise.  Competitions are always fun and interactive.  Some examples of the things our Olympics teams have done are build a bridge, assemble the bones of a human foot, save a city from an outbreak of a deadly disease, use mirrors to deflect a laser to hit a target, use indicators to determine the pHs of various unknown chemicals…and many, many more.  The websites below include listings of previous events and slide shows to give you some idea of what we are all about!

List of competitions and dates:

GCVI Junior Science Olympics – date TBD (early October?)

Centennial CVI Science Olympics – date TBD

McMaster Engineering and Science Olympics – date TBD (mid October)

University of Guelph “Brain Bee” (individual neuroscience competition) – date TBD (late April)

Guelph Brain Bee

University of Guelph Science Olympics – May 12, 2016

London Science Olympics – May 26, 2016

Who can join Science Olympics?

Any and all students in grades 9 to 12+ with an interest in science are welcome to join.  There is no “test” before joining.  We are especially looking for students who are good problem solvers and team players.  (And if not, we can help develop these skills!)  Many different interests and skills are needed to fill the large variety of events we compete in.  Some students enjoy building things, while others enjoy events focusing on biology or math.

Why join Science Olympics?

Most students join because our club because of the good times we have!  There are many other positive outcomes:

  • make friends with similar interests

  • develop problem solving skills

  • develop team work skills

  • build new knowledge or reinforce concepts already learned in high school science courses.

  • opportunities for earning volunteer hours

  • develop interests in science and explore career options in science

  • check out University campuses, specifically science buildings and labs

  • opportunities for leadership development (join our executive!)

  • looks great on a resume!

When does the Science Olympics team meet and what do they do at meetings:

We meet every Fridays at 11:45.  Room number to be determined. At meetings we practice for upcoming events, as well as plan for upcoming events. Attending regularly is important.

Cost of Science Olympics:

The cost for participating in all Science Olympics events listed above will be $70 this year.  The includes entry fees as well as busing to and from McMaster University and University of Western Ontario. Payment may be made by cash or cheque.  (Make cheques payable to GCVI.)

Financial Assistance

Please speak with either the teacher(s) in charge, the principal or vice principals, or a guidance counselor if financial assistance is required.

Opting out of events and getting money back:

If enough notice is given, students may opt out of events and get money back.

For the Guelph Science Olympics, 2 months notice must be given.  (Guelph has a very early payment deadline.)  For other competitions, students must give 1 month notice.  Teams for competitions are formed early and if students opt out with little notice, their teammates are negatively affected.  If there are any emergency circumstances that require a student to miss a competition, whether money is given back will be decided on a case by case basis by the teacher(s) in charge.

Joining the club late:

If students join later in the school year after some competitions have already taken place, the fee will be appropriately reduced to reflect only the events being participated in.

Money remaining at the end of the year:

In previous years, we have had generous donations made to our club by various groups such as Student Senate, OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) and individual donors.  This may reduce costs and leave us with money remaining.  This money will be returned to students in some way.  Depending on the amount, it may be returned directly (cash), or possibly with food either throughout the year or as an end of year luncheon.

Permission form (and photo permission form):

There will be only one permission form which gives your son/daughter permission to participate in all Science Olympics related competitions.  Please sign and return to the teacher(s) in charge as soon as possible.

There is also a photo permission form to be signed and returned.  This is very important as it allows for us to promote our club and celebrate our accomplishments!  Please remember to return it with the permission form.

Commitment to the team/Attendance Policy of the Science Olympics Team:

We understand that students are busy with other teams, clubs, activities and most importantly their academics.  At the same time, students must understand that most Science Olympics events are team events, so students must make some level of commitment to their team mates.  Important information is often given at meetings such as details about upcoming events.  Although we do not require students to come to every meeting, we hope that all our members will attend at least half of our meetings.  If students are not able to commit to the team, the teacher(s) in charge will meet with the student to discuss the issue.  If students are not able to continue their commitment with the team, a refund for upcoming events may be possible. (See opting out of events and getting money back).

Where can I find more information:

Teacher(s) in charge: Susan Lodge 519-824-9800 ext. 417

GCVI website: Link to us either through the science department or through extracurricular/clubs.  We will try to keep this website up to date throughout the year.