Construction for the Upper Grand DSB’s new Centre Wellington Elementary School is well underway and the board is seeking community input for the new school’s name.
The new school will open in September 2025 and is located on Kirvan Street and Elliott Avenue East in the Storeybrook Subdivision in Fergus.
From February 18 to February 25, 2025, students, staff, families and community members can submit proposed names through an anonymous online survey. Here you will be able to submit proposed names and rate other names submitted. Multiple names can be submitted.
In the coming months, the board will host a virtual town hall where community members can rank a shortlist of proposed names.
Throughout the school naming process, the board will be following UGDSB Policy 303. The decision on the final approved name will be made by the Board of Trustees.
We are excited to hear from the Centre Wellington community as we work toward opening the new elementary school!
Click here to access the survey or scan the QR code below: