GUELPH, Ontario – The following Principal and Vice-Principal transfers and appointments are effective September 1, 2017.
Elementary Principal Transfers
Walter Vandervaart from Princess Margaret PS to Hyland Heights ES
Chad Guyitt to Eramosa PS
Shelley Grose from Minto-Clifford PS to Maryborough PS
Tracey Kuchma from Maryborough PS to Minto-Clifford PS
Elementary Principal Appointments
Shannon Spike from Palmerston PS (VP) to Princess Margaret PS
Sean Cameron from Ottawa Crescent PS (acting) to Ottawa Crescent PS
Elementary Vice-Principal Transfers
Carla Anderson from King George PS to John Galt PS
Laura Cozzarin from Arthus PS to Victoria Cross PS
Adam Bodiam from Victoria Cross PS to JD Hogarth PS
Elementary Vice-Principal Appointments
Christine Labelle from Arbour Vista PS (temporary VP) to Arbour Vista PS
Lindsey Tremblay from Taylor Evans PS (teacher) to King George PS (temporary VP)
Heather Dyer from Palmerston PS (temporary VP) to Palmerston PS
Lena Federico from Montgomery Village PS (teacher) to Primrose ES
Shan Robertson from Brisbane PS (temporary VP) to Brisbane PS
Jason Boyce from Ponsonby PS (teacher) to Arthur PS (temporary)
Secondary Principal Transfers
Patrick Hamilton from Centre Dufferin DHS to Orangeville DSS
Brian Serafini from College Heights SS to Youth Options/Section 23
Francis Noventa from Youth Options/Section 23 to College Heights SS
Secondary Principal Appointments
Wendy McIntosh-Clodd from Centre Dufferin DHS (VP) to Centre Dufferin DHS
Secondary Vice-Principal Transfers
Kevin Taylor from John F. Ross CVI to Wellington Heights SS
Joe Burns from Guelph CVI to John F. Ross CVI
Robert Scott from Westside SS to Guelph CVI
Pam Eurig from Orangeville DSS to Continuing Education
Steve Wynen from Continuing Education to Orangeville DSS
Adam Rowden from Centre Wellington DHS to Centre Dufferin DHS
Brent Bloch from Wellington Heights SS to John F. Ross CVI
Secondary Vice-Principal Appointments
Lesley Anne Jordan from John F. Ross CVI (temporary VP) to Centre Wellington DHS
For more information:
Heather Loney, Communications and Community Engagement Officer
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.725
Email Heather Loney