GUELPH, Ontario – The June meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board was held on June 27, 2017. The following provides highlights from the meeting.
Report of the Secondary French Review Committee
In 2015, the UGDSB endorsed the formation of a French Review Committee, which was to conduct a review of UGDSB elementary and secondary French as a Second Language (FSL) programs and related accommodation issues. Following the elementary review, work on the secondary review began in December 2016.
At the June Board Meeting, staff presented to trustees the “Report of the Secondary FSL Review Committee 2016-17.” The report outlines the work of the Secondary FSL Review Committee as well as numerous recommendations, which are designed to promote and support the quality and sustainability of FSL programs in the UGDSB.
As part of the information gathered by the committee to inform its work, students, parents/guardians, teachers and admin were surveyed about French language instruction in both Core and French Immersion courses. The committee also gathered and analyzed information from other English language public school boards, and analyzed data including enrolment projections, student performance and more.
Trustees approved 27 recommendations across several topic areas including staffing and recruitment, student retention and engagement, accommodation planning, and professional development.
To read the full report and list of recommendations
New Experiential Learning Choices Programs approved for Dufferin schools
Trustees approved the creation of two Experiential Learning Choices Programs (ELCPs) at secondary schools in Dufferin County.
The proposals for the programs were submitted to the UGDSB’s Learning Choices Steering Committee for consideration and the committee was supportive of both programs.
Following trustee approval at Board, beginning in 2018-19, a new Community Environmental Leadership Program (CELP) will be offered at Westside Secondary School and an Interdisciplinary Dufferin Experiential Arts (IDEA) program will begin at Orangeville DSS.
CELP will be offered in Grade 10 and will include courses in Science, Environmental Science, Civics and Careers and Outdoor Education. As with other CELP programs, students learn leadership and environmental sustainability skills in a hands-on manner in a community setting.
IDEA is modeled after the MADE Urban Arts program at Guelph CVI and would be based out of ODSS. The program will offer a four-credit package that includes Drama in the Community, Non-Traditional Art, Exploring the Arts and Writer’s Craft.
Fred L. Bartlett Memorial Award
Three Upper Grand DSB teachers were presented with OPSBA’s 2017 Fred L. Bartlett Memorial Award. Since 1970, the award has been given to an active or retired member of the teaching profession, celebrating their outstanding contributions to education in the province. It is given in memory of the late Fred L. Bartlett, and outstanding teacher and trustee in Ontario.
Stacey Giffen, Jennifer Jager, and Sonya White received the prestigious award for their work as Itinerant Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. They were nominated for the award by former teacher Richard Clewes. In his nomination, Clewes said Sonya, Stacey and Jennifer are extraordinary advocates for deaf and hard of hearing students in the UGDSB. As an example of their dedication, he cited their creation of the annual event “Connect Hear,” which brings students and their families together to promote themes of acceptance, identity and ambition in a fun and sustainable way.”
Elementary and Secondary Identified Schools Reports
Staff presented the annual review of school utilization rates. These reports compare projected enrolment figures for the next school year with the On the Ground (OTG) capacity of each school. Schools that are projected to be overcrowded or underutilized for the upcoming school year are identified.
The reports presented at Board also included French Immersion enrolment trends and projected school utilization rates for the next five years.
Schools that are identified as overcrowded are schools where the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolment exceeds the school’s OTG capacity resulting in a utilization rate of 110% or higher. Underutilized schools are when the FTE enrolment falls below a school’s OTG capacity resulting in a utilization rate of 80% or lower.
Elementary schools
For the 2017-18 school year:
14% (or 9) of the elementary schools will be overcrowded
54% (or 35) will be neither overcrowded or underutilized
32% (or 21) will be underutilized
Schools projected to be overcrowded:
Arbour Vista PS
Edward Johnson PS
Glenbrook ES
Island Lake PS
John McCrae PS
Mitchell Woods PS
Mono-Amaranth PS
Primrose ES
Westminster Woods PS
Schools projected to be underutilized:
Alma PS
Arthur PS
Centennial Hylands ES
Central PS
Centre Peel PS
Eramosa PS
Erin PS
Gateway Drive PS
Grand Valley & District PS
Guelph Lake PS
June Avenue PS
Kenilworth PS
Laurelwoods PS
Ottawa Crescent PS
Parkinson Centennial PS
Princess Margaret PS
Priory Park PS
Rockwood Centennial PS
Ross R. MacKay PS
William C. Winegard PS
Willow Road PS
Secondary schools
For the 2017-18 school year:
18% (or 2) of the secondary schools will be overcrowded
64% (or 7) will be neither overcrowded or underutilized
18% (or 2) will be underutilized
Schools projected to be overcrowded:
Centennial CVI
Guelph CVI
Schools projected to be underutilized:
Norwell DSS
Wellington Heights SS
Secondary Vice-Principal Transfers and Appointments
The following Vice-Principal transfer and appointment are effective September 1, 2017.
Audra Cook from VP at Erin DHS to VP at Youth Options/Section 23 Program
Lynne Vink from teacher at Centre Wellington DHS to VP at Erin DHS
Policy updates
Trustees approved the following policies:
Policy 208 Smoke and Vape-Free Environment
Policy 302 Purchasing
Policy 404 Selection of Principals and Vice-Principals
Policy 413 Safety (Behaviour Prevention and Intervention)
Policy 603 Provision of Learning Resources
Policy 407 Educational Assistant/Special Program Assistant Staffing for Special Education was rescinded.
Trustees also approved that Draft Policy 209 Distribution of Materials to Schools from External Organizations and Draft Policy 307 Outdoor Play Spaces be released for public consultation. Members of the public are invited to read the draft policy and provide feedback at Policy.
The next regular monthly meeting will be held by on Tues. August 29, 2017, at the Guelph Board Office, 500 Victoria Road North. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
For more information:
Heather Loney, Communications and Community Engagement Officer
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.725
Email Heather Loney
Megan Sicoli, Administrative Officer, Communications
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.764
Email Megan Sicoli