GUELPH, Ontario – The October meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board was held on October 24, 2017. The following provides highlights from the meeting.

Policy 310 Display of Flags Public Consultation

Trustees approved that draft Policy 310 Display of Flags be released for public consultation.

The policy and procedures for 310 Display of Flags have been revised to allow UGDSB schools to show their support for various interests and/or groups existing in their school community by displaying an associated flag, either inside or outside the school.  This policy requires that any such interest or group for which a flag is displayed aligns with the priorities of the board’s Strategic Plan in terms of wellness and/or equity of access and opportunity, and that the school has a responsibility to communicate the purpose of the flag display to its school community.

This policy is important to students, staff, school councils, parents and community members because the display of flags at schools reflects the values of inclusion and respect for all in the school community. 

The public consultation period for this policy is 30 days. Members of the public can review the draft policy and procedures and provide their feedback on the board website.

Norwell DSS’s LEAF Program

Trustees and senior administration received a presentation from Norwell District Secondary School staff regarding a new program that will immerse students in agriculture.

Local Environmental Agriculture and Food (LEAF) is a hands-on, farm to fork program. Students will learn about food literacy, the economic importance of farming and how agriculture is intertwined with the environment and biodiversity. Students will make weekly visits to local farms including Minto, Mapleton, and Perth County areas, meeting with farmers and learning about different careers in agriculture.

Students enrolled in the LEAF program will earn two credits: Grade 11 Environmental Science and Grade 12 Food and Healthy Living. The LEAF program is slated to begin in September 2017.

For more information, visit Norwell’s website.

Renewal Projects 2017-18

Staff from the board’s Capital/Renewal group presented a report outlining the initial plan for Renewal Projects in 2017-18.

The Capital/Renewal group is responsible for planning and implementing all new schools, additions, major renovations, energy initiatives and equipment replacement projects in all UGDSB schools and administration buildings. Staff develops a five-year plan for utilizing renewal funds from the Ministry of Education. In the fall of each year, the renewal plan is reviewed and revised, and worked to implemented in the current school year is formalized so that design work can proceed.

More than 20 schools are scheduled to undergo renewal work this year. Projects include energy upgrades, roof, flooring and ceiling replacements, lighting upgrades, and accessibility and program upgrades.

Annual Environmental Report

Trustees received the Annual Environmental Report from the board’s Environmental Sustainability Lead. The annual presentation highlights initiatives and accomplishments made in environmental education in the previous school year, as well as areas of focus for this school year.

In 2016-17, the UGDSB continued to make strides in environmental education and stewardship. A record 67 UGDSB schools certified as EcoSchools, which represents 88 per cent of all schools and includes nine that participated for the first time.

A small sample of environmental lessons taught in the classroom included: kindergarten students learning about “up-cycling” to reduce waste in our landfills; setting up a vermicomposter to learn more about the role worms play in decomposition; nature walks that focused on animal habitats in the local environment; and learning the different ways environmental issues are presented to the public through visual media.

A number of programs were offered to UGDSB classrooms by external environmental agencies including Wild Ontario, Planet Protectors, Focus on Nature, Green Legacy, Trees for Guelph, Tin Roof Global, and more.

The presentation also detailed the numerous professional development opportunities offered to teachers, board-wide environmental stewardship days, examples of student EcoAction projects, and accomplishments made by the board’s EcoTeam.

Trustee Expenses

Trustee expenses for the 2016-17 financial year were received by the Board. The expenses, totaling $28,165, include trustee spending on professional development, travel, office supplies and meeting expenses. The expenses are posted on the Finance section of the board website.

Trustee Honoraria

From December 1, 2017 to November 30, 2018, trustee honoraria will be set at the following:

  • Chair – $18,475

  • Vice Chair – $15,134

  • Other Trustees: $11,792

The honoraria are set by base amounts plus an enrolment amount based on the Average Daily Enrolment (ADE) from the budget for the previous year.

The next regular monthly meeting will be held by on Tues. November 28, 2017, at the Guelph Board Office, 500 Victoria Road North. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.


Media contact:
Heather Loney, Communications and Community Engagement Officer
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.725
Email Heather Loney

Megan Sicoli, Administrative Officer, Communications
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.764
Email Megan Sicoli