GUELPH, Ontario – Hundreds of students are learning from experts in the community, as they begin to make choices about their education and career pathways.

On Nov. 15, more than 500 Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington Catholic DSB students will attend Your Future, Your Choice.

The annual career, education and community resource fair is presented by the Career Education Council (CEC), which works to provide youth with relevant information on workforce trends, growing sectors and local employers. Your Future, Your Choice is one of many CEC events that aims to assist students in making informed decisions about their future. 

Right now, students are making decisions about what courses to take, what training programs or co-ops to pursue, and where to volunteer. All of these important pieces will have an impact on youth, when they pursue an apprenticeship, college or university program or enter the workforce.

At Your Future, Your Choice, students will have the chance to meet with more than 80 employer, educator and community representatives, learning about possible programs, jobs, training and more.

The event is sponsored in part by the UGDSB and WCDSB.


  • DATE: Wednesday Nov. 15, 2017

  • TIME: 6-8pm

  • LOCATION: Centennial CVI, 289 College Avenue W., Guelph

For more information, contact:
Kelly Schafer
Executive Director, CEC
519-827-6468 or cell 519-993-5310
Email Kelly Schafer

Nichole Burrus
Outreach & Events Coordinator, CEC
Email Nichole Burrus