GUELPH, Ontario – Linda Busuttil, the trustee for wards 2, 3, and 4 in the City of Guelph, was elected Chair of the Upper Grand District School Board at the Inaugural meeting of the Board on December 5, 2017.

This is Busuttil’s first time elected as Chair. Busuttil was first elected as a trustee in 2006. She has served as Vice-Chair of the Board and the Chair of numerous committees including Business Operations, Negotiating Steering, Audit, Property, Strategic Planning and served as a provincial OPSBA director from 2010 to 2016.

In her address to the Board, Busuttil thanked her fellow trustees for the confidence and trust they have placed in her, and thanked out-going Chair Mark Bailey for the important work he has done serving as Chair for five years and for the contributions he’s made to Upper Grand students, staff and communities. Busuttil also expressed gratitude to the UGDSB’s Director of Education Martha Rogers and senior staff for the inspiring leadership they provide to the Board.

“As always, it is our students who give us purpose and hope,” said Busuttil. “They are the reason we are here. We delight in seeing how engaged they are in their learning and how they are making a positive impact on the world around us.”

Trustee Marty Fairbairn, who represents Guelph Ward 6 and Puslinch Township, was acclaimed to serve as Vice-Chair for a sixth year.

The positions are for a one-year term ending November 30, 2018.

At the Inaugural meeting, trustees were also named to the Board’s various committees. Trustee Moziar continues her role of Program Committee Chair for the next year, with Trustee Lustgarten-Evoy serving as Vice-Chair. Trustee MacNeil will take on the role of Business Operations Committee Chair, with Trustee White serving as Vice-Chair.

Trustee Fairbairn will serve as a director on the Ontario Public School Board Association’s (OPSBA) Board of Directors. The organization is routinely called on by the provincial government for input and advice on legislation, labour negotiations and the impact of government policy directions.

The final meeting of the 2016-2017 Board preceded the Inaugural meeting. Trustees expressed their appreciation to the media for coverage of education issues during the past year and for their continued co-operation and help broadcasting school bus information on inclement weather days during the school year. They also expressed their appreciation to Director Rogers for her co-operation and assistance over the past year and to all staff for their loyalty and dedication.


Media contact:
Heather Loney, Communications and Community Engagement Officer
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.725
Email Heather Loney

Megan Sicoli, Administrative Officer, Communications
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.764
Email Megan Sicoli