GUELPH, Ontario – The January meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board was held on January 30, 2018. The following provides highlights from the meeting.
UGDSB Equity Plan 2017-2019
Staff provided trustees with highlights from the UGDSB Three-Year Equity Plan. Goals of the plan include: providing safe, inclusive and welcoming schools and classrooms for all students; providing Professional Development (PD) opportunities that focus on equity, inclusion and human rights; supporting all students in achieving their maximum potential and choosing appropriate pathways to work, college, apprenticeship or university; and increasing parent/guardian engagement in creating and maintaining inclusive and equitable school communities.
Examples of the work being done include: completing yearly Equity Walks in our schools and developing equity goals based on our findings; providing PD on bias, stereotypes and racism; building lessons around equity, inclusion and social justice; and developing a food insecurity program for students and educate staff about the effects of poverty on well-being and learning.
To view the full Equity Plan, visit Safe Equitable and Inclusive Schools.
Long Term Accommodation Plan Background Report and Public Engagement Plan
Staff presented the Long Term Accommodation Plan – Background Report to trustees, as well as details of a public engagement plan that will be initiated.
The LTAP is a strategic review of the school board’s facilities, population projections, and enrolment forecasts. The LTAP is an important step in ensuring alignment of school facilities with the needs of the Board and the communities it serves.
The information contained in the LTAP will make it clear where there are changes in accommodation needs, now and into the future. A long-term plan is needed as changes to school facilities, such as new construction, take time to plan and execute.
The goal of this LTAP process is to produce a list of priority areas for the Board to concentrate on in the short and long term. On a regular basis, the Board will update the analysis to confirm that the list of priorities match the needs of the Board.
Public engagement is an important component of the LTAP process and is planned in two phases. The first phase of public engagement will begin in February. Staff will host five regional Public Engagement Workshops and share information at various stakeholder meetings throughout the month.
For more information on the LTAP process, including the Background Report and workshop dates, please visit LTAP.
Secondary Principal/Vice-Principal Transfers and Appointments
The following Principal and Vice-Principal transfers and appointments are effective February 1, 2018.
Secondary Principal Transfer
Julie Prendergast from Guelph CVI to Human Resources Manager of Secondary Staffing and Recruitment
Secondary Principal Appointment
Robert Scott from Vice-Principal at Guelph CVI to Principal at Guelph CVI
Secondary Vice-Principal Appointments
Lisa Sanvido from VP (temporary) at Orangeville DSS to VP at ODSS
Heather Ginzel from Curriculum Leader Secondary (Equity Lead) to VP at Centre Wellington DHS
April King from Supervised Alternative Program, CCVI to VP (temporary) at Guelph CVI
Kathryn Lloyd from Westside Secondary School (teacher) to VP (temporary) at Norwell DSS
Policy Updates
Trustees approved a number of revised board policies: Policy 310 Display of Flags, Policy 405 Transfer of Principals and Vice-Principals, and Policy 708 Allowable Expenses.
Trustees also released draft Policy 210 Environmental Education and Management for public consultation. Members of the public are welcome to review the draft documents and provide feedback at Policy.
The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Tues. February 27, 2018, at the Guelph Board Office, 500 Victoria Road North. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
Media contact:
Heather Loney, Communications and Community Engagement Officer
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.725
Email Heather Loney
Megan Sicoli, Administrative Officer, Communications
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.764
Email Megan Sicoli