Policy 216 Communications
Policy Statement
The Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) is committed to accessible, effective, positive, timely, accurate and consistent communication with school communities and the public, both on a regular basis and in response to emergent situations.
The UGDSB provides information to maintain connections with education stakeholders (e.g., students, parents/guardians/caregivers, staff, trustees, school communities, the media, and the public), advance student success and well-being, and build awareness and public confidence in board priorities and initiatives. Guidelines for effective communication help assist staff, and trustees in managing the dissemination of information. This includes ensuring the information that is communicated is appropriate, accurate, timely, based on the board’s priorities, goals, and standards, and managed through a safe and secure system.
The UGDSB as a community partner supports the communication of appropriate materials and/or information (digital and print) in its schools from external organizations. The board recognizes its right and responsibility to limit this type of access to students, staff, and parents/guardians/caregivers based on the board’s priorities, goals, and standards for such information.
The UGDSB recognizes that using a common and consistent brand identity in communications across departments and schools and within the community will help students, parents/caregivers, staff, and the community identify the board’s programs, services and initiatives while strengthening the board’s visual image and public recognition.
First adopted: February 2024
Revision history: October 2024