

Science courses have been designed for a wide variety of students, taking into account their interests and possible destinations. Some courses have been designed to serve as preparation for specialist studies in science-related fields; others have been designed for students intending to go on to post secondary education but not to study science; yet others have been designed with the workplace in mind. The overall aim is that all graduates of Centennial with achieve excellence and a high degree of scientific literacy while maintaining a scene of wonder about the world around them. To achieve this overall aim, the science program, from Grade 9 through Grade 12, is designed to promote the following three goals

  • To develop skills, strategies, and habits of mind required for scientific inquiry

  • To related science to technology, society and the environment

  • To understand the basic concepts of science;

The Success

If you are experiencing difficulty, your teacher is your best resource. Continuing to struggle on your own wastes valuable study time and increases your level of frustration. Check with your teachers as to when extra help is available and do not hesitate to make use of it.

While professional tutors may be helpful at times, always give your classroom teacher the first opportunity to be of help. Discuss with them whether they believe a tutor would be beneficial. Students and parents are asked to bear in mind that any arrangement made with a professional tutor or outside educational agency is strictly between you and that tutor or agency.

We encourage you to participate in out of class activities. They are a large part of making your years at Centennial enjoyable and productive but we ask you to remember that it is your responsibility to remain caught up on missed work and meet all evaluation requirements for your courses. Too heavy a commitment to outside activities along with the time missed from class will result in poorer course results than you wish. It is not our responsibility to relieve you of the consequences of your involvement.

The Guidance Department also provides excellent assistance with respect to study and organizational strategies.

Proceeding to the Next Level

When choosing your courses for the next year, consider carefully your level of success in your current courses. While there can be many reasons for success or lack of it, we have found that in general, in order to do well in the next course at the same level, students need to have achieved at least a 60% in the corresponding present course. For example we would advise against selecting SNC 2D1 if you have achieved below 60% in SNC 1D1. Similarly we would advise against selecting the University Preparation Core Sciences, SCH 3U1, SBI 3U1 or SPH 3U1 if you have achieved below 60% in SNC 2D1.

Science Courses

Grade 9 and Grade 10 Science courses must be completed before selecting Grade 11 or Grade 12 Courses and are normally taken as the two compulsory Science credits. The grade 9 and 10 courses follow the mosaic approach of integrating units from the various disciplines of science.

The grades 11 and 12 courses are more specialized courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General and Workplace Science.

Students who select Chemistry and Physics should continue to pursue Mathematics at the same level as their Senior Science Course. Earth and Space Science is available at the grade 12 level.

While every attempt is made to ensure that this information is both current and accurate, no guarantees are extended. In all cases you should check with your teachers and Guidance Counsellor before making decisions based upon the content contained here.