Goal for Guidance and Career Education programs is to help students to:
Understand the concepts related to lifelong learning, interpersonal relationships and career planning
Develop learning skills, social skills and a sense of social responsibility and the ability to formulate and pursue educational and career goals
Apply this learning to their lives and work in the school and the community
Student Development
Set and achieve learning goals both inside and outside of school
Manage their own learning
Acquire habits and skills necessary for success
Interpersonal Development
Demonstrate self-discipline
Take responsibility for their own behaviour
Acquire skills required for getting along with others
Choose ways of interacting positively with others
Problem solution
Social responsibility
Career Development
Make informed choices to ensure successful transition from secondary school to further education training, or work
Assess their interests competencies and achievements
Explore career opportunities
Create and evaluate your plan for the future
Guidance Staff
Head of Guidance: Ms. Hubbard x 251
Counsellors: Mr. Grimwood x 252, Ms. O’Brien x 253, Mr. Treiguts x 254
Guidance Office Assistant: Ms. Bousfield x 250