Canadian & World Studies

Overall:  Canadian and World studies programs will enable students to become responsible, active citizens within the diverse communities to which they belong. As well as becoming critically thoughtful and informed citizens who value an inclusive society, students will have the skills they need to solve problems and communicate ideas and decisions about significant developments, events, and issues.

Course Description

Activities & Links


This course examines relationships within and between Canada’s natural and human systems and how these systems interconnect with those in other parts of the world. Students will explore various geographic issues and to develop possible approaches for making Canada a more sustainable place in which to live.Students complete a variety of hands-on activities & receive a package of materials with each unit to guide their learning.

Ecological Footprint, Field trip to Toronto, Local studies, tree planting with GRCAEnvironmental Issues, Weather & Climate issues, Physical

Features     UGCloud Classroom, UG2GO Project Neutral


This course examines relationships within and between Canada’s natural and human systems and how these systems interconnect with those in other parts of the world. Students will explore various geographic issues and to develop possible approaches for making Canada a more sustainable place in which to live.

Students complete a variety of hands-on activities & receive a package of materials with each unit to guide their learning.
Mapping activities, Field trip to Toronto, tree planting with GRCA


Students will investigate the unique characteristics of selected world regions including Africa, Europe, Asia, the Caribbean and Australia. They will explore travel patterns and trends as well as tensions related to tourism.  Students will investigate the impact of the travel industry on natural environments and human communities.

Trip to Ripley’s Aquarium
Trip to Niagara Falls


How does the Earth’s physical patterns and processes create natural disasters?  Students will explore how interactions between water, land & air can affect our planet & the people who live on it. Students will use mapping software to make predictions relate to natural disaster & to prepare for them.

 Trip to Niagara Falls
Trip to Rockwood caves


This course investigates the complexity and fragility of ecosystems and the pressures human activities place on them. Students will examine ecological processes, the principles of sustainability, and strategies for resource management, with a focus on the challenges of environmental degradation and resource depletion.



Why is there such a large gap between rich & poor countries around the World?  In this course, students will study topics that include cultural, economic, environmental & geopolitical relationships.  Regional disparities & the World’s inability to meet basic human needs, as well as issues relating to the protection of the natural environment will be considered. Students will be able to understand global imbalances & develop ideas on how to lessen them.

Guest Speakers, Documentary films, Group seminars, Current Events
Political Issues, Environmental Issues, Quality of Life issues


How has Canada’s past helped to shape her current identity? This course examines the events of Canada’s past from 1914 to the present day, with the aim of explaining how we have become the country we now are. By exploring external conflicts, social conflicts and our role as a Middle Power we can work to understand the society we see around us.

Warplane Heritage Museum, Mohawk Institute, Canadian Military Heritage Museum, Class discussions, Debate


This course focuses on the social context of historical developments and events and how they have affected the lives of people in Canada since 1914. Students will explore interactions between various communities in Canada as well as contributions of individuals and groups to Canadian heritage and identity. Students will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating the continuing relevance of historical developments and how they have helped shape communities in present-day Canada.



Questions relevant to the 21st Canadian are explored: How democratic is Canada? Which is more important, rights or responsibilities? Last, we practice good global citizenship by competing for (a real) $5000 grant via advocacy for a local charity. This YPI competition is the perfect way to engage, motivate and boost the confidence of students!

Guest speakers include our school Constable who answers our questions about the Youth Criminal Justice Act, Members of parliament, Election time all-candidates debate and more!  Students also connect with local charities as part of their YPI project!



How has humanity’s  ancient past shaped our present condition? In this course, students will study the key civilizations that shaped the western world. These include, Egypt and the Near East, Greece, Rome, the Arab Empire and Medieval Europe.  Topics include the formation of civilizations, social structure, culture, economics, religion, development of government, war and many others. This course sets the stage for CHY 4U; West and the World.


This course examines the development of American social, political, and economic structures from colonial times to the present. Students will analyse the chronology of events and evaluate the roles played by specific individuals and groups throughout American history. Students will conduct research and analysis, and communicate, in a variety of ways, their knowledge and understanding of the country that is Canada’s closest neighbour and most important cultural influence and economic partner.



This course focuses on existing and emerging issues of national and regional importance of concern to Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Students will analyze diverse perspectives from a variety of sources such as media, academic works and public opinion polls on events and developments related to land, community, governance, identity and culture. Using political thinking concepts and the political inquiry process students will explore their own and others’ ideas, investigate an issue to determine what needs to change, why and appropriate problem-solving strategies.


This course examines the decisions that societies make on how to use their limited resources.. It deals with central questions like: Should governments intervene in the economy? What are the impacts of our economic choices?Every decision we make becomes an economic decision. It provides a broad understand of both Micro and Macro Economics.

Seminars, Debates, Games,

Discussions Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek - Economics Rap Battle Round Two PBS



How have the ideas, people and events created a world in which the western societies are dominant? This course explores world history since the Reformation and Renaissance. It looks at the impacts of history on both European and the rest of the world. This course can lead to the  AP European History exam.

 Seminars, Debates, Games, Discussion


How does Canadian law impact your everyday life?This course will give students a practical understanding of Canada’s legal system, including the criminal justice system and Charter law. Students will use critical-thinking, inquiry, and communication skills to develop informed opinions on legal issues in a variety of ways: case analysis, legal research projects, mock trials, and debates.

Guest Speakers, Mock Trials, Current Events, Field trip to Guelph Provincial Court to watch trials, Class debates


This course examines elements of Canadian and international law in social, political,and global contexts . Students will study the historical and philosophical sources of law and the principle s and practices of international law and will learn to relate them to issues in Canadian society and the wider world. Students will use critical-thinking and communication skills to analyse legal issues, conduct independent research,and present the results of their inquiries in a variety of ways.

 Model UN