
Score Stop.

School Transfer Policy Regarding Athletics

No school shall include in its lineup any student who has been registered as a transfer from another school within the area for the previous twelve months.  Students transferring to Centennial should read the policy carefully and apply to the Athletic Director by early September if they wish to play any sport.  The policy can be obtained from the Athletics Department.  The following is a seasonal schedule for sports that have been offered at Centennial in the past.  These sports may or may not be offered during the 2018-2019 school year.

All schedules, standings and results  at:  here

Fall Sports                             

Basketball – Junior & Senior Girls, Cheerleading, Cross Country – Co-ed, Field Hockey, Golf – Girls & Boys, Soccer – Junior & Senior Boys, Tennis – Co-ed, Volleyball – Junior & Senior Boys, Baseball-Boys, Football (starts last week of August for Training Camp: Contact

Winter Sports

Curling – Girls & Boys, Hockey – Girls, Sr Boys & Jr Boys, Basketball – Junior & Senior Boys, Swimming – Co-ed, Volleyball – Junior & Senior Girls, Wrestling – Co-ed

Spring Sports

Badminton-Junior & Senior Co-ed, Cricket, Rugby–Girls, Rugby-Junior & Senior Boys, Soccer-Girls A & B, Softball-Girls, Track & Field-Co-ed, Ultimate Frisbee

Students with Life Threatening Medical Conditions Must have their Epipens/Inhalers/Medications in their possession before departing for Field Trips or Sporting Events.

Eligibility for Participation in Extra-curricular / Co-curricular Activities

Centennial offers a significant number of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.  We encourage your involvement in them as we believe that they will do much to enrich your educational experience. It is a privilege to represent Centennial CVI in any extra-curricular activity.

  1. The student must attend classes on a regular basis, maintain their standard of success, hand in required assignments, and follow acceptable guidelines for behaviour.  Students not attending classes on game days (without prior notice) will not be allowed to play.

  2. The student must have a Centennial CVI student identification card and have paid all school, team and club fees.

  3. The student must adhere to Centennial’s minimum programme policy.

  4. We STRONGLY recommend that students who are planning to enter extra-curricular or co-curricular activities take student insurance since the plan does include a dental clause.  Insurance brochures are available in the Main Office.

  5. The student must have had a successful previous semester: Each student’s academic, behaviour & attendance record will be reviewed by the coach, Vice-Principal and student’s teachers to be eligible to play on a team.

  6. It is the responsibility of the student to keep their teachers informed of the extra-curricular activities they are involved in and to coordinate their schedule to meet the expectations of the course.

A list of all participants will be submitted in a timely fashion by the coaches/staff advisors and must be approved by the Vice-Principals before an activity begins.  Approval is based upon enrolment eligibility, academic standing and pattern of behaviour and attendance.

Initiation Policy

Centennial does not allow hazing of students at any time.  It is not appropriate to “initiate” any student to a school, team or club.  An activity such as head-shaving, is a form of violence and will be dealt with under the Violence Policy.

Centennial CVI Anti-Bullying Pledge

At Centennial, We choose to appreciate our school-wide diversity and to promote the inclusion of all, while respecting ourselves and  others.  Today and Always, I will stand up for others because everyone is of equal importance and value.