Immunization in Schools
Avoid school suspension by keeping Immunization records up-to-date!
Student’s Immunization records must be provided to Public Health in order to attend school. Public Health will send notices to students with incomplete immunization records. Anyone who gets a notice should contact their family doctor so they can update their vaccines, and then report their new vaccines to Public Health.
How to get your Immunizations
Call Your Family Doctor To Book An Appointment Or Visit A Walk In Clinic
Bring an up-to-date copy of your child’s immunization record to your appointment. If you do not have a yellow card, you can print a copy of your record by visiting Immunizations Keep Ontarians Healthy!.
Immunization Reporting to Public Health
It is a parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to report their child’s vaccinations to Public Health in order to attend a licensed childcare facility or school. You can report your child’s vaccines in one of the following ways:
Online: The new Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) tool allows you to report and view your immunization record.
Phone: 1-800-265-7293 ext. 4396
Mail: Vaccine Records, 160 Chancellors Way Guelph, Ontario N1G 0E1
For those who need help translating their records please contact Immigration services for the translation of immunization records into English.
Requirements for School
In Ontario, the Immunization of School Pupils Act requires that all children attending schools be fully immunized or have a valid exemption on file for the following:
Rubella (German measles)
Meningococcal disease (meningitis)
Pertussis (whooping cough)
Varicella (chickenpox) – for children born on or after January 1, 2010.
If your child has had chickenpox infection, a medical exemption form completed by your health care provider is required. See exemption for school aged children below.
Grade 7 Immunization Program
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health provides free vaccinations to Grade 7 students in the schools. Your child will get a consent form from school in September for the following three vaccines:
Hepatitis B
Human Papillomavirus
If you require a consent form, please contact a Public Health Nurse at 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006. See school vaccination clinics for more information.
High School Immunization Program
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph provides free vaccinations to high school students that are overdue for mandatory vaccinations in the schools. See school vaccination clinics for more information.
During high school, most teens are due for a booster dose of tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap vaccine). Students can also receive this vaccination at their health care provider and report it to Public Health.
Get fact sheets on these diseases and vaccines.
If a student is not getting vaccinated for medical reasons, reasons of conscience or religious beliefs, an exemption form must be submitted to Public Health. The forms are available at Public Health
Public Health is committed to helping students update their vaccination records so they can avoid suspension from school.