Parent/Guardians - Centennial Advisory Council (CAC)

Who Are We?

We are a group of Centennial parents/guardians that meets five times per school year with the Principal and a staff representative to share information about CCVI programs, events, and activities. We provide advice to the Principal on various matters with the aim of improving student learning. Ambassadors from one of the Student Leadership Councils (SLC) shares activities with the group.

Members of the Council

  • Chairperson & Secretary: Suneetha Kalyanaraman

  • Principal: Joe Burns

  • Teacher Rep: Rob Rosie

Meeting Dates and Location

Meetings every other month on Wednesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in room C104 (Guidance Seminar Room), at Centennial CVI.

Our next School Council meeting will take place on Thursday Feb 13th. The meeting will take place in connection with Our Course Selection and Information Night. Please see the following timelines for events that evening:

We will be holding a Parent/Guardian Course Selection/Pathway Planning Information Evening as well as our School Council Meetin on Thursday, Feb. 13th. The evening will include the following:

‘Choosing Courses for Gr 10 and Pathway Planning’ Presentation - 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

‘Choosing Courses for Gr 11-12 and Pathway Planning’ Presentation - 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Representatives from various pathway options will be available in our main foyer from 6:15 pm - 7: 15 pm to chat and answer questions you may have. The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, the University of Guelph, and Conestoga College will all be represented.

8:30pm-9:00pm-School Council Meeting in the Guidance Seminar Room