CoCurricular Student Inquiry
Cocurricular Student Inquiry (CSI)
Purpose: The role of the committee is to support the expectations outlined for Westside Cocurricular participants and advisors. It is intended as a learning process to help guide students to improve their decision making skills.
Possible Reasons for Student Inquiry Committee Hearing
Ejection from game or event
Misconduct at game/another facility
Referral from advisor/administration (academic misconduct, attendance)
Formation of Committee
Ad hoc and made up of volunteers
Excludes the coach or advisor
Co Curricular Program Leader or designate must be present
Admin or designate must be present
Minimum of 4 people
Hearing Procedure
Student is not permitted to take part in any activities until hearing
Cocurricular Program Leader chairs the meeting
Committee briefed on issue and advisor/coach’s perspective presented
Student brought in and asked to provide their perspective
Cocurricular expectations are reviewed
Chair informs committee if there are any precedents
Decision made and Chair then informs student and parent of decision
Minutes created and shared with participating members
Ad hoc committee is disbanded
Possible Consequences
Contract- to be decided by committee and administration
Game suspension
Partial removal from cocurricular program
Complete removal from program