
Attendance Line – 519-938-9355 Ext 100 – Please leave a message.

Attendance Phone-In Policy, Sign-Out Policy:


Regular attendance and punctuality are key ingredients in being successful at school. Chronic absenteeism and tardiness will result in diminished academic achievement. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to call the school (519-938-9355 extension 100) prior to an absence. Our ‘Alert Communication tool’ system may contact your home if a student has an unexcused absence or skip.

Sign-out Privileges

Students over 18 years of age may apply for sign-out privileges by completing the form available at reception.

Temporary Withdrawal From School

If your student will be missing school between 5-15 days please complete the Request for Temporary Withdrawal form, have the Principal and each of the student’s teachers sign it and return to the main office. Students are responsible for work missed during their absence.

Check Attendance & Marks Online: 

WSS invites parents/guardians to login to their child’s student information to find out daily attendance, marks, etc.

Here’s how…

  • Westside Secondary School

  • The Student Login is the first 3 letters of the student’s usual first, and the full last name (examples: Julie Smith would be julsmith and Katelyn Robinson would be katrobinson)

  • The Password is the student’s OEN number – this can be found on the student’s report card.

  • If you have security concerns and need this password changed, please contact the office.

  • Click on the tabs to access information –

    • Attendance – check today’s attendance (it will appear as soon as the teachers report it – all attendance should be reported by 2:30 p.m. daily and many teachers will post attendance shortly after class has started).  Past attendance is available under History.

    • Timetable – shows your child’s timetable, with room numbers and teachers names for this year (timetables for this year are not available on-line until mid-September)

    • Achievement – shows marks (once teachers have entered them at mid-term and the end of the semester).

    • Transcript – shows courses completed, summary of credits and community service hours completed.