Canada and World Studies Department

The Westside Secondary School Canada and World Studies Program (CWS) believes that Critical Thinking is the foundation upon which a strong and confident member of society is built. No matter your destination in life, the ability to interact with complex ideas, be it through the written word or personal dialogue, and the ability to formulate your own opinions supported by academic evidence are essential skills for both a successful post secondary education and life.
It is because of this belief that the C.W.S department has identified a set of core ideas from both the curriculum and the Ministry of Education’s Growing Success document that enable our students to experience success in C.W.S courses.
Students enrolled in a C.W.S class at Westside Secondary School will work towards displaying each of these skills during every class and assessment in their course along side their course specific assessment tasks.
Students can find the course specific first day sheets here:
Canada and World Studies (Geography, History etc)
Social Sciences (Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology etc)