Semester 2 Timetable

Semester 2 Timetables are available on Student ConnectEd Accounts. Please check your timetable as close to Monday February 3 as possible in the event of room changes.

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Login: The student login is up to the first 3 letters of the student’s first name followed by the last name. The first letter of both the last and first names must be capitalized. Do not include spaces, hyphens or special characters.

For example, Julie Smithson would be JulSmith. John Doe would be JohDoe.

The password is the student’s 9-digit OEN number which may be found on the student’s report card near the top, or on their student card.

Be sure to select Summary and Semester 2 to see your student’s timetable.

If you are having issues accessing your account, please contact the school at