Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Beginning with the cohort of students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year, all students must earn a minimum of two online learning credits as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma unless they have been opted out or exempted.
Here is the opt-out form: Fillable Learning Graduation Requirement Opt Out Form
For more information, please contact our Guidance Department.
Available Online Learning Options
The Upper Grand DSB offers credit courses online, authorized by the Ontario Ministry of Education. They are for eligible students and are delivered by qualified teachers. Below is a list of potential courses to be offered by the schools in the UGDSB (course offerings subject to change).
Further, the Upper Grand belongs to the Ontario e-Learning Consortium with 20 other School Boards, working together to optimize e-Learning programs and enhance student learning through emerging technologies and innovative practices. Through this partnership students in the UGDSB have access to well over 100 different courses by our partner boards. For more information, please visit https://prism.elearningstudents.ca.