Why Take Business?
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The Business Education & Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department offers courses and programs to meet a wide variety of students’ interests and needs. Introduction to Business, Accounting, Business Leadership, computer applications, communications, marketing, and law courses are all available for students to choose from. These courses provide students with the opportunity to explore future career decisions before graduating high school.
A large number of Norwell students who pursue two-year or four-year college diplomas/degrees will major in some aspect of business or communications. This is not surprising when we consider that most of the jobs for the 21st century require a business and computer background.
We encourage all students to enroll in business courses while they are attending Norwell D.S.S. These courses provide access to higher-paying employment as well as a sound foundation for a college/university education.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the courses we offer in addition to providing assistance in choosing a career path that is right for you!
Business activities have a tremendous impact on the standard of living and quality of life experienced by Canadians. They affect most aspects of our daily lives: earning, saving, spending, investing, etc. All students encounter the world of business, whether they live/work in urban or rural areas. Many high school students nowadays hold part-time jobs and earn money, even pay some of their expenses. Therefore, Business Studies courses are meant to prepare our students to face the business world and engage in business activity with confidence. In order to succeed in their lives, students need to understand not only what opportunities business creates, but also how it functions and what skills it requires. “Business studies draws upon facts, concepts, and processes from many other fields of study. For example, close links exist between marketing and communications, accounting and mathematics, entrepreneurial studies and technology, international business and world studies, and management and studies of society and human nature. Furthermore, knowledge and skills related to information and communication technology are relevant across all disciplines. Students will be able to apply what they learn in other subject areas to their study of business, as well as to transfer the knowledge and skills they acquire in business studies to their work in other areas.” (Ministry of Education, The Ontario Curriculum, Business Studies, 2006)
Department Mission Statement
Business Studies & ICT teachers at N.D.S.S. strive to provide students with a relevant knowledge of the business world and to help students develop skills and attitudes necessary to succeed in secondary school, the workplace, post secondary education or training, and daily life.
Department Vision Statement
Excellence, persistence, and commitment.
The Business Studies & ICT Department at N.D.S.S. works together as a team to ensure that our students are ready to meet the challenges that they will face after graduation. Whether it be the workplace, university, college or an apprenticeship, we encourage and enable students to pursue their post secondary goals.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing (IDC 40)

This course will explore the intriguing world of sports and entertainment from a marketing perspective. It will emphasize the important role that sports and entertainment play in our modern economy. Students will obtain an understanding of business fundamentals and how to apply them to sports and entertainment. This course will cover topics such as marketing essentials, marketing of sports/entertainment, products/services unique to sports/entertainment, sports/entertainment media, sales, visual merchandising, sport finance and economics, and legal issues concerning sports/entertainment.