The English curriculum is established with the belief that language learning is essential for students in order to become responsible, productive, successful and literate citizens in society. The curriculum at Norwell is also designed for students of varying needs and abilities to be successful at their most suitable level of learning. Courses in English are offered for Workplace, College and University bound students in each grade. Furthermore, within each curriculum are expectations which are organized into four strands of learning: oral communication, reading and literature studies, writing, and media studies.
Importance of Literacy, Language & the English Curriculum:
Literacy development is a shared project, as the teaching of literacy skills is embedded across the Ontario curriculum. However, it is the English curriculum that is dedicated to developing the knowledge and skills upon which literacy is based.
Language development is central to the student’s intellectual, social, cultural, and emotional growth and must be seen as a key component of the English curriculum. Students learn to express feelings and opinions and to support their opinions with sound arguments and evidence from research. They also come to understand that language is an important medium for communicating ideas and information, expressing world views, and realizing and communicating artistic vision. Students learn that language can be not only used as a tool but also appreciated and enjoyed
Language is the basis for thinking, communicating, learning and viewing the world. It is also a fundamental element of identity and culture. As students read and reflect on a rich variety of literary, informational, and media texts, they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others and of the world around them.
– The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: English, 2007.