
Science at Norwell is an exciting learning experience where knowledge meets curiosity through experimentation, hands on activities, and field trips.
Junior Sciences in Grades 9 and 10 provide students a strong knowledge base in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental education, so that students can specialize in their senior years.
In Grade 9, students are introduced to dissecting, working with microscopes, carrying out chemical reactions and exploring links between organisms and their environments.
In Grade 10, students will explore cell specialization leading to the different tissues of the body, reflection and refraction of light in optics, climate change principles, and they will further their chemistry knowledge and experimentation skills.
In the second semester of Grade 10, students also have the opportunity to participate in the CELP program (Community Environmental Leadership Program). CELP is an integrated four-credit program (academic science, coop, civics/careers and phys-ed) that offers 23 grade 10 students as well as two grade 12 CELP alumni, a unique leadership and environmentally focused approach to learning, with a heavy focus on outdoor experiential learning and teaching. Highlights of the course include outdoor winter sports, canoeing, guest lecturers, first aid and CPR certification, a three-week Earthkeeper training program for grade five classes in the region, and overnight trips to Cyprus Lake and Halliburton.

Grades 11 and 12 allow students to specialize in one, two, or all three of the disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Physics; preparing students for their post-secondary endeavours. An understanding of the process of experimentation and analytical thinking are the hallmarked skills expected upon completion of the senior sciences.
However, a wide RANGE of science courses are offered at all levels of study, allowing students to also explore an interest area or try something new to allow all students the chance to experiment and generate curiosity.
Some of the common job fields associated with a science background are:
– Nursing – Kinesiology – Agriculture
– Physiotherapy – Radiation or Ultrasound Technology – Massage Therapy
– Optometry – Dental Hygiene – Chiropractics
– Veterinary – Astronomy – Teaching
– Psychology – Teaching – Food processing
– Engineering – Computer Technology – Veterinarian Studies
– Environmental studies
A strong science education can lead to a lifelong array of possibilities and a deep-rooted sense of wonder that enhances one’s view of life and learning.
Come and Explore!