What Do I Do When My Teen…

…ABSENT from school? Call the school to report the absence 519-343-3107 ext. 100
…LATE for school? Send a note of explanation with the student or call the school before they arrive. 519-343-3107 ext. 100. If it is during Period 1, go directly to class. If you are entering the building after Period 1 for the first time that day, go to the main office to sign in.
…LEAVING during the day for an appointment? Send a note with the student in the morning or call the school before they are expected to leave to indicate clearly the time they are to be excused at (and may return). 519-343-3107 ext. 100.
…FEELING too ILL to stay in class? The student reports to the main office. A parent/guardian will be contacted for permission for the student to go home. If you cannot be contacted during school hours, please provide us with an emergency contact who can assume responsibility for your son/daughter.
…GOING on a family VACATION? If the student will be missing 5 consecutive class days, please fill out a Temporary Withdrawal Form. You can pick up a form in the main office. Please return the form to the office when it is complete for the VP signature.
…18 YEARS of AGE? Provincial legislation requires school boards to recognize a student as an adult when they reach the age of 18. This means that the student has responsibility for their own education, attendance, and behaviour issues. If the student wishes, they may opt to permit their parents/guardians to obtain this information.
…to be CONTACTED during school hours? For family emergencies only, call the office and the student will be contacted.
…needing to use the PHONE? Office phones are for emergencies only. Cell phone usage is determined by the classroom teacher. Students should not be receiving calls or texts during class time.
…having a personal PROBLEM? Visit student services and ask to speak to an available Guidance Counselor, Child and Youth Counselor, or Social Worker
…wanting to TALK to the VICE PRINCIPAL? Come to the Main Office to make an appointment or call 519-343-3107 ext. 231.
…experiencing ongoing HEALTH problems? Please provide details on the personal management plans at the beginning of the school year, and provide updates to the office if necessary.
…finding a COURSE too difficult, too easy, or homework overwhelming? Talk to the subject teacher first, and then to a Guidance Counselor.
…needing a copy of their transcript? See Mrs.Ottens in Guidance. If you have graduated, please fill out the attached form: Click Here
…needing to hand in completed COMMUNITY HOURS? Bring the completed signed page to Mrs.Ottens in Guidance.
…worrying about completing COMMUNITY HOURS? See Mrs.Ottens in Guidance for volunteer opportunities.
…looking for a lost item or valuable? Check the lost and found in the main office.
…needing to hand in MATERIAL outside of class time? Make arrangements directly with the teacher. The main office does not accept student work.