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Lisa Sanvido
Vice Principal
5198227090 x 224
Robin Schafer
Head/Lead; Social Sciences and Humanities
5198227090 x 371
Hannah Scharlach
Technological Education
Carol Schwartzenburg
Shift Supervisor-Secondary
Damian Scott
Canadian and World Studies; English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development
5198227090 x 525
Joanne Sealey
Child Youth Counsellor Sec
5198227090 x 227
Nancy Seminara-Hunyady
Ed Asst - Special Education
Allison Sheppard
Guidance and Career Education; Other; Sec Special Ed Resource; Teacher
5198227090 x 469
Christine Simoes
Canadian and World Studies; English
5198227090 x 369
Amy Smith
Health and Physical Education
5198227090 x 395
Leaanne Smith
Office Co-ordinator Secondary
5198227090 x 221
Victoria Smith
Admin Ass't Vice Principal
5198227090 x 232
Barb Spurgeon
Staff Caretaker-
Zora Sroka
Admin Office Ass't Secondary
5198227090 x 230
Greg Staines
5198227090 x 490
Kayla Standen-Nguyen
Technological Education
5198227090 x 518
Daniel Starrett
Business Studies
5198227090 x 334
Julie Stedman
Health and Physical Education
5198227090 x 347
Jessica Stone
5198227090 x 439
Ashley Sukhdeo
Canadian and World Studies
5198227090 x 432