Students' Council

Visit John F. Ross Student’s Council site

Mission Statement

Our mission is to maintain a positive atmosphere with the ultimate goal of unifying students. As role models, we will promote school spirit and encourage students to be involved in both their local and global communities. As leaders of John F Ross, we know that we will have met the needs of the student body when students feel included, respected and have a desire to pursue success.


Eligibility for ALL Members of the BOH4M course

  • A candidate must be taking at least four courses at John F. Ross, two in both Semesters 1 and 2

  • All members must be in good academic standing. Members must have a minimum 70% average to be considered.

  • Students must be committed to the course for the entire school year as culminating events will be taking place both semesters.

  • Students must be committed to help/ volunteer with other student events.

  • Students must come to class with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn new leadership skills and put those newly acquired skills into practice.

  • Must be committed to helping others in the course succeed by helping with events (Both semesters 1 and 2).

  • Students cannot be enrolled in any other leadership type committee (Yearbook, peer tutoring, grad committee, Leadership and Peer Support, Recreational and Fitness Leadership, etc.).

Candidates must be students who attend classes regularly. Attendance records will be checked and students with truancy issues will not be considered.Executive The 2010-2011 Students’ Council shall be composed of the following officers:

  • 1 President

  • 1 Vice-President

  • 1 Student Liaison Coordinator

  • 2 Communications Coordinator

  • 1 Secretary

  • 2 Social Coordinators

  • 2 Treasurers

  • 1 Senate Chair

  • 1 Student Trustee (if applicable)

  • 12 available positions

The Role of the executive member is as follows:

  1. The executive shall offer direction at the Students’ meetings and ensure that the actions which are agreed upon at the Students’ Council meetings are fulfilled.

  2. Students must be committed to Council for both semesters

  3. Students must attend a weekly Students’ Council meeting as well as any other organized meetings

  4. Any student running for an Executive Position that has not already taken the BOH4M course must do so to be eligible for that position.

  5. Any student that is running for an Executive Position on Students’ Council and will only be attending
    John F. Ross C.V.I. for the first semester (due to graduation), must accomplish their culminating activity prior to the end of semester

  6. In agreement with the staff advisors, the Executive may make executive decisions.

  7. The Executive shall act as a liaison between the school administration and the student body.

  8. Must be a Project Manager of at least 1 Students’ Council activity.

  9. Volunteer for a minimum of 5 student council events.

  10. The Executive shall be responsible for selecting ensuring that during both semesters; all homerooms have 1 a representative that will attend monthly general council meetings.

  11. Executive members must be prepared to make Students’ Council their priority. Failure to do so, as judged by the staff advisors, will result in the loss of position.

  12. The executive shall be present at all Students’ Council meetings and events (Unless discussed PRIOR with the staff advisor).

  13. Must be a positive role model and leader for all Students at John F. Ross C.V.I.General Council All members of the BOH4M course are members of the BOH4M general council. The BOH4M General Council is limited to students that have applied and have successfully been selected by the BOH4M instructor/ staff advisor as a member of the course. BOH4M students that are not on Executive Council do not have to attend weekly meetings Executive Council Meetings.

The role of the General Council is as follows:

  1. Act as a liaison, Between Students’ Council and the student body.

  2. Must maintain a minimum average of 70% throughout the semester.

  3. Must be a Project Manager of at least 1 Students’ Council activity.

  4. Volunteer for a minimum of 5 Students’ Council events.

  5. Support and assist in Students’ Council activities.

  6. Serve on various committees of Students’ Council.

  7. Must be a positive role model and leader for all Students at John F. Ross C.V.I.

Staff advisor

The role of the staff advisors is as follows:

  1. To be present at all meetings of Students’ Council

  2. To guide the Executive in its decision making.

  3. To act as a liaison between Students’ Council and the Administration.

  4. To audit the monthly and yearly financial statements submitted by the Treasurer.

  5. To prepare a manual for rules of procedure of Students’ Council meeting.

  6. To prepare students to become successful project managers.

  7. To evaluate students on their performance in the BOH4M course.


The role of administration is as follows:

  • To approve all items that involves the student body.

  • Provide guidance and support for student council members.

Specific Executive Member Duties:

The following roles and responsibilities is a general description of what is entailed in each role. The positions are not limited to these roles and responsibilities and are subject to change.


  1. Must chair meetings of the Council or appoint a designate to chair meetings.

  2. Must assist in all Students’ Council activities.

  3. Must call Executive meetings once a week and whenever necessary, as well as chair these meetings (or appoint a designate).

  4. Must be the supervisor of all Students’ Council activities (Not to be confused with project manager).

  5. Must be held accountable to Students’ Council for his/her decisions and actions.

  6. Must be held responsible for the official actions of Students’ council.

  7. Must be a Grade 12 senior student during term in office and must have previous experience in Student Council activity or in lieu of experience, must be enrolled in the BOH4M course for the duration of their first term on Students’ Council.

  8. Must attend monthly parent council meetings to report Students’ Council progress and is also responsible for all external press releases and contact with outside organizations for media purposes

  9. Must attend all school functions or appoint a representative.

  10. Should maintain contact with the S.C. presidents of other schools in this area.

  11. Must submit a year end report regarding their role on Students’ Council, maintaining clear duties, roles, responsibilities, possible changes for future courses, evaluation of course, and master list of contacts.


  1. Must act in the name of the president at the president’s request or the staff advisor’s request.

  2. Must be responsible for the organization of Students’ Council projects determined by the executive

  3. Must ensure that the needs of junior students at John F. Ross are met and that all junior students are well represented in all event planning.

  4. Must assist the president in his/her presidential duties.

  5. Vice-President and President may alternate chairing meetings to add variety to leadership styles

  6. Must be a senior student during term in office.

  7. Must assist in all Students’ Council activities.

  8. Must submit a year end report regarding their role on Students’ Council, maintaining clear duties, roles, responsibilities, possible changes for future courses, evaluation of course, and master list of contacts.

Student Liaison Coordinator

  1. Must attend the monthly School Senate meetings.

  2. Must ensure cohesiveness between all representative councils.

  3. Must create a database of all school councils and clubs.

  4. Must create a master list of all members within each school club.

  5. Must create a database for the points and awards system in conjunction with Mr. Martin.

  6. Must assist in all Students’ Council activities.

  7. Must submit a year end report regarding their role on Students’ Council, maintaining clear duties, roles, responsibilities, possible changes for future courses, evaluation of course, and master list of contacts.

Communications Coordinator

  • Must be the prime person responsible for publicity of Students’ Council activities.

  • Must be responsible for making all announcements related to Students’ Council.

  • Must maintain visual display on school TV’s and displays

  • Must be the liaison between Council and Staff Advisor in terms of publicity.

  • Must assist in all Students’ Council activities.

  • Must play a song of the day in the morning and at lunch.

Division of specific roles:

  • Responsible for 3 submissions to Written at Ross

  • Responsible for providing information to Mr. Martin to update the school website on a regular basis and must update the display case on a bi-weekly basis

  • Must submit a year end report regarding their role on Students’ Council, maintaining clear duties, roles, responsibilities, possible changes for future courses, evaluation of course, and master list of contacts.


  1. Must keep past and present archives and files of Students’ Council

  2. All files must be emailed to you went created and they must be saved on the SC computer and on a memory key.

  3. Must type record minutes for every meeting that takes place (Executive, General, Emergency, etc.) and must keep an electronic copy of those minutes.

  4. Must email minutes from each meeting to the Staff Advisor, Principal and each member of the BOH4M Course.

  5. Must create a database of email addresses of all students in the class for quick communication and must send that list electronically to all students in the BOH4M course.

  6. Must create a master list of contact information for all students in the BOH4M course for quick contact in case of urgent matters or last minute cancellation of events due to unforeseen circumstances.

  7. Must keep precise business records.

  8. Must be responsible for in-office correspondence on behalf of Students’ Council (fax transmission, communication with outside organizations, communication with secretaries etc.)

  9. Must record the attendance of members and post attendance on minute sheet

  10. Must assist in all Students’ Council activities.

  11. Must attend all meetings or must have another executive that is properly instructed take their place if not able to attend.

  12. Must submit a year end report regarding their role on Students’ Council, maintaining clear duties, roles, responsibilities, possible changes for future courses, evaluation of course, and master list of contacts.

Social Coordinator

  1. Must establish and be in charge booking all dances.

  2. Must book police officers (Whenever necessary).

  3. Must be responsible for contacting music agencies and for presenting recommendations to Council.

  4. Must be able to affectively delegate tasks (i.e. decorations, roles, food, coat check, themes etc.)

  5. Must maintain contact with cafeteria staff for major events where food will be served as to not impact their sales

  6. Must contact Mr. Cawsey if the barbeque is needed.

  7. Must assist in all Students’ Council activities.

  8. Must establish dance regulations with the Principal and staff advisors.

  9. Must be a senior student during term in office. Must submit a year end report regarding their role on Students’ Council, maintaining clear duties, roles, responsibilities, possible changes for future courses, evaluation of course, and master list of contacts.


  1. Will work directly under the supervision of Mr. Hicken

  2. Must be responsible for the financial transactions of the Students’ Council.

  3. Must be trained by staff advisor to use the accounting program.

  4. Must keep accurate and detailed records, such as to be available for inspection and audit by the financial advisor.

  5. Must assist in all Students’ Council activities.

  6. Must present a monthly written report to Students’ Council about budget status.

  7. Must be a voting member of the Cafeteria Committee.

  8. Must assist in all Students’ Council activities.

  9. Must be a senior student during term in office.

  10. Must have successfully completed one Introductory Accounting course.

  11. Must have a compulsory period of apprenticeship from the former treasurer before taking over.

  12. Must be responsible for ensuring all money is counted, rolled, and deposited when appropriate.

  13. Must work closely with the Students’ Council Staff advisor.

Treasurer must:

  • Must maintain the cheque requisition system for Students’ Council member reimbursement and is responsible for the financial management of these accounts

  • Must endure that there is change in the cashbox for dances and events.

  • Must endure that money is deposited the day following any large events where money was collected

  • Must maintain budget for all clubs and committees

  • After meeting with the senate, this Treasurer will maintain and keep track of budgets of various clubs and committees

  • Will also be responsible for the financial allocation of funds to any organization that is requiring financial aid.

  • Will be responsible for sending out cheques/ payment to the appropriate organizations as per requested by BOH4M members for their events

  • Must submit a year end report regarding their role on Students’ Council, maintaining clear duties, roles, responsibilities, possible changes for future courses, evaluation of course, and master list of contacts.

Senate Chair

  • Must have excellent communication and mediation skills

  • Must attend all student senate meetings (every other week)

  • Must chair the meeting by reading aloud proposed events, fundraisers, activities.

  • Must mediate Senate meeting whenever necessary

  • Responsible for

    • Preparing meeting agenda

    • Preparing an email list with all senate representatives (from all councils)

    • Maintaining integrity of meeting format

    • Determine presence of voting members

    • Go over last meetings minutes

    • Address new items

    • Make closing remarks

    • Establish next meeting date

    • Photocopying all approval/ dismissal letters and putting approval/ dismissal letters in mailboxes of appropriate staff advisor

    • Filing proposal forms in a master binder

    • Must maintain the school calendar in the front office

Students Trustee (If applicable)

Roles and responsibilities outlined by Upper Grand District School Board

Elections and Terms of Office

  • The term of office for Executive members shall be one year beginning May 31st, 2009.

  • Elections:

    • Shall be held on the same day as candidates present their speeches

    • Shall be held by secret ballot.

    • Arrangements for advance polling can be made.

    • All students, with the exception of graduating students, who hold valid John F. Ross student cards, are eligible to vote.

Nominations and Eligibility for Executive


  1. Nominations for the election of the following year’s executive positions will be held at the most convenient date prior to June 1.

  2. All candidates running for President and Vice-President must declare their intent to run on the sign-up form in the main office.

  3. Must have filled out the application form by the requested deadline. The nomination form must contain the name and home form of the nominee, and designate the office for which the candidate is nominated. The consent of the candidate must be affixed to the nomination form.


  5. All nominations must be returned on or before the closing of nominations.

  6. Candidates must be prepared to make Students’ Council Executive responsibilities FOREMOST in Their extra-curricular responsibilities.

Eligibility for Executive

  1. A candidate must be taking at least four courses at John F. Ross, two in Semester 1 and two in Semester II.

  2. Executive members must have and maintain an average of at least 70%.

  3. Candidates for the position of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Student Liaison Coordinator and Social coordinator must be senior students during their term in office.

  4. Candidates for Executive positions must be students who attend classes regularly. Attendance will be monitored.

  5. All candidates must have previous active participation in Students’ Council or Athletic Council activities. If students does not have past experience, they must take the BOH4M course the year that they have been selected on students’ Council Executive

  6. Candidates for Treasurer must have Introductory Accounting.

The Election Campaign
Example of 2009 election format below

  1. A maximum of 2 weeks is allotted for campaigning.

  2. Campaign posters and materials may be set up within the school building with the consent of the Vice-Principal whose approval will be affixed thereto. Any other material shall be removed. Any candidate using unauthorized Material will be eliminated from the election procedures.

  3. No campaigning will be transmitted via the PA system.

  4. Candidates for any position will be held personally accountable for the conduct of their campaigns. Any campaigns not complying with the established regulations may result in the elimination of that candidate’s name from the election process.

  5. All campaign material must be removed immediately after elections

Election Procedures

Prior to election day

  • All campaign material will have been removed.

  • Nominees’ speeches will have been reviewed by the staff advisor,

  • Ballots will have been designed and printed.

  • An eligible voters list will have been generated.

2. On election day

  • Candidates’ speeches will be delivered over PA system.

  • Elections will take place period 1 immediately after elections.

  • Representatives from Students’ Council will come and collect ballots from all eligible homerooms

  • Two workers will have been assigned to each polling station.

  • Ballot counting will take place at the earliest convenient time after polls close.

3. After election day

  • Elections results will be revealed to the candidates prior to announcement to the entire student body.

  • Ballots will be kept until June 30th in case of dispute of election results.

  • The newly elected Executive is expected to:

    • Sign-up in guidance for the BOH4M course

    • Participate in leadership training through the BOH4M course

    • Sign their contract declaring their acceptance for their position on Council

The General Council


  • Will take place the second Wednesday of every month

  • Students in the BOH4M course do not need to attend the General Council Meeting unless they are pitching their idea for their event.


Any Executive member missing FIVE (%) meetings at any time during the school year without one of the following reasons shall be impeached.
i. Dress rehearsal or actual game.
ii. Final practices before school team game or actual game.
iii. Appointments. (Work on a regular basis is not an appointment.)
v. Illness
vi. Any excuse deemed reasonable by the Executive.

Rules of Procedure

  • Council shall adopt annually, a manual containing Rules of Procedure for meetings to be prepared by the Staff Advisors in conjunction with the Executive.

  • Any student or group wishing to make a presentation to Council must contact an Executive member to have the item placed on the agenda.

  • A minimum of 24 hours notice must be given for all Council meetings except in case of emergency.

  • Meetings, except those deemed otherwise by Students’ Council are open to the Student Body.

Vacancy in Office

1. Any Executive Member may resign by submitting a written resignation to the Staff Advisor.
2. An Executive Member may be removed from office by the Staff Advisor in consultation with the Principal.
3. Vacancies may be filled by by-elections or by appointment by the Executive.

the Principal

The Principal of the school has the power to veto any decision of the President, the Executive or the Students’ Council.

Policies and Procedures


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Instagram: @JohnFRoss

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