Physical Education

Welcome to the John F. Ross Physical and Health Education Webpage!

Our knowledgeable and devoted department members are committed to providing students with a safe and fun environment for incorporating regular physical activity into their everyday lives.


Uniforms: All students are to be wearing appropriate athletic attire including supportive athletic footwear. Spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, and sandals are not permitted. Students may NOT wear sock feet in the gyms. All clothing must adhere to the John F. Ross dress code found in the student handbook.

Valuables: Students are encouraged to not leave anything behind in the change rooms during class. They are to bring all bags/property with them into the gym. Cell phones are not permitted during class and should be stored appropriately.

Absences: Frequent absences will have a negative impact on a students performance in this participation based subject area. Upon their return to class, every student must have a signed and dated note explaining the reason for their absence. Students have the opportunity to make up lost participation marks due to their absence by participating in documented physical activity outside of the regular phys. ed. class. If a student is unable to participate for an extended period of time, a dr’s note will be required explaining the nature of the illness/injury and the amount of time the student is unable to participate in physical activity. Alternative assignments may be assigned.

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