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Andrea Dell'Erede
5198227090 x 420
Allison DesChatelets
Health and Physical Education
5198227090 x 470
Jodi Deschamps
Canadian and World Studies; French as a Second Language
5198227090 x 576
Sandra Detmar
Head/Lead; Technological Education
5198227090 x 423
Gurpreet Dhoot
5198227090 x 372
Marie Dickinson
Ed Asst - Special Education
Ronald Docksteader
French as a Second Language; Guidance and Career Education
5198227090 x 413
Lee Dokis
Ed Asst - Special Education
Charles Douglas
Health and Physical Education
5198227090 x 536
Erin Doupe
Canadian and World Studies
5198227090 x 377
Jeremey Draper
Cooperative Education
5198227090 x 311
Iain Durk
Cooperative Education
5198227090 x 493
Jason Earl
Canadian and World Studies; Indigenous Studies; Social Sciences and Humanities
5198227090 x 446
Shawnda Elliott
Keith Elsegood
Staff Caretaker-Secondary
Tiana Fellows
5198227090 x 458
Adam Ferry
Technological Education
5198227090 x 317
Carolyn Frielink
Head/Lead; ESL; Teacher Guidance
5198227090 x 253
Christine Frielink
Teacher Guidance
5198227090 x 254
Nicole Fuda
Business Studies
5198227090 x 389