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Craig Macfarlane
Technological Education
5198339665 x 415
Alexandra Mannion
Canadian and World Studies; Indigenous Studies
5198339665 x 474
Anthony Matthews
Mathematics; Science
5198339665 x 504
Erica McArthur
5198339665 x 412
Brad McGitchie
Technological Education
5198339665 x 431
Leigh McKinley
5198339665 x 417
Megan Millen
5198339665 x 451
William Moran
Head Caretaker-Secondary
5198339665 x 229
David Murphy
Head/Lead; Cooperative Education
5198339665 x 307
Laura Nero
5198339665 x 423
Francis Noventa
5198339665 x 223
Laura Ovington
French as a Second Language
5198339665 x 469
Elizabeth Paterson
Teacher Guidance
5198339665 x 251
James Porteous
Canadian and World Studies
5198339665 x 468
Justin Rossier
Canadian and World Studies; English; French as a Second Language
5198339665 x 422
Melanie Sammit
Canadian and World Studies; Health and Physical Education
5198339665 x 448
Dirk Schouten
5198339665 x 428
Elliott Shrive
Head/Lead; Mathematics; Science
5198339665 x 421
Jackie Smith
Child Youth Counsellor Sec
5198339665 x 227
Kendra Spira
Head/Lead; Mathematics; Science; Sec Special Ed Resource; Teacher
5198339665 x 408