School Council
School Council Chair: Cara Knibbs
Meeting Information
Meeting: Tuesday, February 25 at 7:00 pm (VIRTUALLY - Link will be available below)
Video call link:
Or dial: (CA) +1 587-687-9342 PIN: 687 568 923#
More phone numbers:
Introduction (Francis Noventa & Lynne Vink)
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (Parent Council)
Chair Report (Parent Council)
Principal's Report (Francis Noventa)
Student Council Report (Students)
Roundtable (All)
Minutes from the last School Council Meeting: CLICK HERE
Positions Available
Click here to see School Council Poster
Click here for the EDHS School Council By-Laws – UGDSB Policy #201 and Procedures manual #201A
Co-Chair and Secretary are open, if you are interested, send an email to EDHS Parent Council
Minutes & Agendas
Links to: School Council Minutes
Getting involved has rewards
Becoming involved in the life of your school can be re
warding for you, your child and the entire school. Have you ever wondered how you can get involved? You can be a partner in your child’s education through the board-wide Parent Involvement Committee or your School Council.
The Education Act in Ontario requires that every school board must “establish a school council for each school operated by the board.” In accordance with direction from the Ministry of Education, every board must also develop a policy on school councils (UGDSB Policy 201 School Councils).
School Councils act in an advisory capacity to the schools’ principals and the Board for the continued promotion of excellence throughout the system. School Councils are composed of a majority of parents, along with the principal, a teaching and non-teaching staff member, community representatives, and at senior elementary and secondary schools, students. It is expected that the membership on School Councils will reflect the diversity of the school community it serves. The members of School Councils shall:
place the interests of the school and students first;
participate in Council meetings;
participate in information and training programs;
act as a link between the School Council and the community;
encourage the participation of parents and others within the school community;
and seek to reach consensus in the decision-making processes of the Council.
On December 1, 2005, the Minister of Education released the Ontario Parent Involvement Policy. This policy recognizes the value of parental involvement and mandates that each school board establish a Parent Involvement Committee. This committee provides parent advice and supports parent engagement at a school board level.