The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is one of the six new innovative programs in the Student Success Strategy.
The SHSM is a Ministry-approved Specialized Program that consists of a defined combination of courses and experiences that relate to a specific economic sector.
What Can I Do to Prepare?
take the grade 9 and grade 10 courses that will lead into the specific SHSM sector
See Mr. McGitchie (Sem 1) /Mr. Murphy (Sem 2) or Ms. Paterson (in Guidance) at EDHS for further information and an application form
See Mr. Murphy (Co-op teacher) for more information about Co-op placements
Why pursue it?
The SHSM allows students to customize their high school experience to suit their interests and talents, and prepare for a successful post secondary transition to apprenticeship training, college, university, or employment, while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma
The SHSM enables students to gain sector-identified preparatory credits, skills and knowledge, and make informed career decisions. This makes the learning environment more engaging for students, focuses them on graduation and prepares them to pursue their career goals.
When Can I Get Started?
Apply in your grade 9 year (grade 10 and 11 students may also apply)
Enrollment is limited. If you are interested, students must complete an application form which can be picked up from the guidance department or from the SHSM school lead
Sectors offered at EDHS....
Arts and Culture
The Environment
Hospitality & Tourism
Click here for SHSM program requirements
Program Co-ordinator