Do NOT order a transcript with our request form if you are a current student that is wanting to apply to Ontario Colleges and Universities. 

Current students information is automatically uploaded on a regular basis through OCAS & OUAC.

If you are a past graduate, follow the links below, if you are **Ordering a Transcript for Application to College & University Programs** 

Transcript Request & Payment

Fee Details:

You can now pay for your transcript online. Transcripts are $20 for the first copy and $5 for any additional transcripts ordered at the same time. Please click on the link to pay for your transcript now:  PAY HERE - Transcripts & Diplomas

  • When setting up your account, do not input a student number and be sure to choose Erin DHS as the school.

  • If you opt to pay online, please advise when this has been done so that we may verify the payment.

  • Transcript are mailed out as soon as the payment has been received and a verification email is sent as well to advise you that it has been sent.

  • We can send the transcripts to where ever you need it sent to.

  • Transcripts are not sent until payment has been received.

PDF Fillable Transcript Request Form:

You can now complete the PDF Fillable "Transcript Request" form by clicking on the following link:   PDF Transcript Request Form 

Once you have paid online and completed the "Transcript Request" form, please include a copy of your photo ID and forward to:

Alternatively, payment can be made in cash at the school and transcripts can be picked up in person upon prior arrangement with Guidance. Please contact the Guidance Office at (519) 833-9665 ext. 250 for more information.

Unsure what document you need?

  • The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is an official record of a student’s academic achievement at the secondary school level in the Province of Ontario. Transcripts are required for post-secondary institutions and may be required for many other reasons. This transcript will show your courses, final marks and proof of your O.S.S.D. achievement, Community Involvement Hours completed, OEN number, specialized programs (if applicable), amongst other information. The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is completed at the school and can be completed within 1-2 days upon the request received.

  • The Ontario Secondary School Diploma is is the province's official high school diploma. To earn a high school diploma, you need to earn 30 secondary school credits.  This request takes approximately 2-3 weeks to complete, as the diploma is provided by the Ministry of Education.

**Ordering a Transcript for Application to College & University Programs**

If you are a student who has retired from Wellington, Dufferin or Upper Grand schools applying to college and university programs, you can arrange and pay to forward your transcript with an electronic process by following the appropriate link below:

Special notes: Your transcript fee will be added to your application fee and will be processed by credit card. You will not have an OEN (Ontario Education Number) if you left school prior to 2002. Enter zeros in the OEN section if you do not have or cannot determine your OEN.

As a school, we complete all this electronically for you as a convenience, but be aware that there is always a risk when doing things online. We do not recommend transferring information over the internet.  This to protect your privacy.  If you proceeded this way, it would be your decision to provide and accept personal information with the risk.  Please contact us to let us know your plans and your follow up of payment. 

For easy reference, the shortcut to the Board’s web page is here: