Dual Credits allow students to take college courses while enrolled in high school. Students earn 2 high school credits and 2 college credits. We offer Dual Credit courses in the apprenticeship and college pathways at Conestoga, Georgian and Humber Colleges. Click here to visit the UGDSB Dual Credit website.
Course Selection & Program Opportunities
Online Learning Graduation Requirement
Please complete the form below and hand in to the desk in Student Services (Guidance) if you would like to opt out of the Online Learning Graduation Requirement.
Click here to view online courses offered through the Ontario eLearning Consortium.
Course Selection for the 2025-2026 School Year
Course Selection takes places each year in February. Guidance Counsellors visit classes and are available for appointments to assist with pathway planning.
2025-2026 Course Calendar
Click on the underlined text in the Table of Contents to “jump” to a particular section
Future Grade 9s (Current Grade 8s)
Current Grade 9s
Current Grade 10s
Current Grade 11s
Click here to view a short video on the differences between STEM English & “regular” English.
Current Grade 12s
If you plan to return for 12+ (Super 12) please complete the 12+ Application Form
UGDSB Summer School
The Upper Grand District School Board offers an extensive selection of summer learning opportunities for students. There are several summer school program options:
Summer School Credits (18 days)
Secondary Upgrading Credits (9 days)
Summer School Dual Credits (10 days)
Summer School Co-op Programs
Elearning Summer School Credits (18 days)
Study Abroad Opportunities
UGDSB Night School
Click Here to view night school opportunities.

Dual Credits – Grade 12

Co-operative Education – Grade 11 & 12
Cooperative Education is a ministry-approved program that allows students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement. The program consists of a co-op course monitored by a cooperative education teacher, a related curriculum course in any subject, and a work placement. Click here to visit the UGDSB Co-op website.

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) – Grade 11 & 12
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and assists in their transition from secondary school to apprenticeship training, college, university, or the workplace. Click here to visit the UGDSB SHSM website and/or click here to visit our school SHSM web page.
Are you interested in SHSM? If yes, please complete the form below:

My Blueprint
My Blueprint is an online tool that can help students to:
Learn about different occupations
Explore post-secondary options
Easily create resume/cover letters
Search local employment opportunities
Log into UGCLOUD and click on the My Blueprint icon for more information about courses, post-secondary options, interest surveys and more.
Parents/Guardians can create a My Blueprint account!
Explore occupations & up-to-date post-secondary information
Link to your child’s account
Visit My Blueprint
Click Sign-up
Select your child’s high school
Select your account type (Family)
Follow prompts to create account