Community Resources & Support Services
Knowing anyone at CDDHS and in the community may need support, we want to remind students and parents about the resources available to you, if you’re looking for extra support for yourself, or worried about someone you care about. Please reach out.
Students are encouraged to Book a Guidance Appointment for support with social, emotional, mental health concerns or academic support, and for a referral to the school Social Worker or Child & Youth Worker.
As a reminder, if someone’s well-being is at immediate risk, call 9-1-1.
Help Lines:
Suicide Crisis Help Line: 9-8-8
Dufferin Children & Family Services: 519-941-1530 (24/7)
Family Transition Place (16+ intimate partner violence): 1-800-265-9178
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or text "CONNECT" to 686868 (24/7)
Black Youth Helpline: 1-833-294-8650
Indigenous Hope for Wellness Helpline: 1-855-242-3310
Multilingual Distress Line: 1-877-298-5444; (TTY) 905-278-48-90, Languages served include English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu
Naseeha Helpline/Muslim support line: 1-866-627-3342 (call) or 1-866-627-3342 (text)
Trans peer support line: 1-877-330-6366
UGDSB Parent Website for Child, Youth & Family Well-Being
Click below to access a collection of fantastic resources to support parent & student well-being
Dufferin County Community Supports