
Co-op Spotlight

Marcs' Valu-Mart store from the outside

UGDSB Cooperative Education Employer of the Week

Marc Boisvenue has owned Marc’s Valu-Mart since 2002.  Marc’s Valu-Mart is a very active partner in the community of Erin.  They sponsor events and run food drives for the local Food Bank, as well as providing space for the Firefighters Barbeque every fall.  

Marc and his team are also active participants in our UGDSB Cooperative Education program. Coop students are welcomed there, and become part of the grocery team that keeps the packaged food, dairy and frozen foods stocked. Students learn crucial time management skills as they follow a strict plan of resetting shelves and sections.  To help them with their tasks, the students learn to use equipment such as pump jacks to move the skids, the cardboard crusher to get rid of all the boxes, trolleys to move boxes and ladders and stools to help reach the higher areas. Many students have noted that the work environment there is very welcoming, with the managers modeling strong teamwork and communication skills. 

The UGDSB would like to thank Marc and his Marc’s Valu-Mart staff for their long-time support of our Co-operative Education programs, and we look forward to our continued partnership.

Employers and community partners, Upper Grand District School Board students are ready to join your team!

Get involved in the UGDSB’s Cooperative Education program:

  • Be part of a mutually beneficial relationship by offering cooperative education work placements

  • Share expertise, knowledge skills and materials

  • Gain access to a diversely talented and motivated group of students who may bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to your business

  • Students can contribute by working from home to complete the tasks and duties you’ve assigned or by physically attending your work site

  • We are looking for employers to provide co-op opportunities in multiple sectors including trades, arts & culture, media, communications, hospitality, information technology, retail, science, and more

  • UGDSB co-op teachers will help you find the right match for your business

Take our employer survey! Please click Options for Cooperative Education Support from Community Partners to complete the survey.

Timing / Scheduling

High school co-op is offered during 2 semesters and for summer school.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Semester 1: September – January

  • Semester 2: February – June

  • Summer School – July; Placements start end of June or first week of July

Semester 1 runs from September 6 – January 24

  • Students are in class preparing for work and attending interviews for the first couple weeks

  • Placements start the third week of September 

  • Exact dates vary by high school

Semester 2 runs from February 3 – June 20

  • Students are in class preparing for work and attending interviews for the first couple weeks

  • Placements start around February 13

  • Exact dates vary by high school

Summer Co-op:

  • Students attend interviews in May and June

  • Placements run full days in July

For more information:

Contact – Charles Benyair, Co-op Curriculum Lead, UGDSB, 519-574-0098

To indicate your interest please complete this survey: Options for Cooperative Education Support from Community Partners

What is Co-op?

The Co-operative Education Program allows students to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement.

Co-op students can try out an occupation or different occupations in an actual work environment before deciding which career path is right for them.

Consisting of a co-op course, a related curriculum course in any subject and a work placement, the program is monitored by a co-operative education teacher.

Two co-op credits can be applied towards high school graduation requirements although there is no limit on earning optional co-op credits.

Co-op placements are arranged for students by their secondary school. All placements are require to follow Ministry of Education policy and guidelines.

Why Take Co-op?

Co-op lets you:

  • Explore Careers

  • Connect Learning to Your Life

  • Develop Skills & Knowledge

  • Build Your Resume

  • Individualize Your Learning

  • Expand Your Network