Co-op Program

Our Goal

The UGDSB is committed to developing effective and forward-thinking programs with pathways that include experiential learning. This allows students to choose courses that relate to their future career goals.

Approximately 1,100 senior students participate in Co-op experiences annually.

We constantly recruit new placements for our students as our School to Career Programs expand.

The unique business/education liaison provided by our programs enables our students to make more satisfying and realistic career decisions.

Currently we offer Co-op Education placements in the following career pathways:

  • Arts

  • Business

  • Communications

  • Computers

  • Cosmetology

  • Early Childhood Education

  • Education

  • Hospitality and Tourism

  • Science:

    • Animal Care

    • Athletics

    • Environment

    • General

    • Healthcare

  • Technology

    • Construction

    • Manufacturing

    • Tech Design

    • Transportation

More Information

Please note that further information can be found on the Ministry of Education website. Specialist High Skills Major