Report Cards

Semester 1 FINAL report cards will be available online on Friday, February 7, 2025. A paper copy of the report card will be sent home with students on Monday, February 10th.

If you haven’t yet created an account to view your student’s report card, please see the information below:

Parents and guardians will need to create an account (if they do not already have one) with the Upper Grand before they can download their child’s report card.

To create a Parent/Guardian Portal account, please Click Here for Instructions.

Parents/guardians can create their account provided they have an email on record with the school. Once your account is activated, you will see each of your children listed.

To access the report cards, Click Personal and then Digital Documents.

The Username for the Student portal is the students first 3 letters of their first name and the students full last name.  Do not use any spaces, hyphens or special characters.

example:  John Smith / username will be: johsmith

The password is the student’s 9-digit Ontario Education Number (OEN), which can be found on a previous report card to the right of their name.

Select Login and you will have access.